This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, Jonathan Denwood, and Jacob Arriola
How to pick the right #WordPress theme -WPblab
Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it鈥檚 community.
282 responses to “How to pick the right #WordPress theme -WPblab”
HAHA ouch.
+1 for beaver builder
VC just broke so bad w/ WP4.5 release, and it took 2 weeks for VC to release a fix. I had angry clients all over the place. Totally looking into BeaverBuilder now…
It erased the rest of my comment 馃檨
What’s the best looking FREE theme?
trying again… VC broke recently with the release of WP 4[point]5
I’m asking you! 馃檪
slow chat…
It took 2 weeks for VC to release a fix. I had angry clients. I am now investigating BeaverBuilder, and won’t be recommending VC anymore.
YES <3
VC nasty!
VC very very nasty!
Uncle Tucker there nothing light about VC
Oh FYI I don’t use any page builders. Just had a few clients that had/loved it. It’s been a terrible experience though.
WC makes me cry
Bridget is like so many things connected to web design or design in general everybody thinks they have great taste. However these are going to be the same people who are going to vote for Trump!
i’m starting now
@jonathandenwood omg #facepalm
Please define Hipster web devs. I have a beard, love beer, etc. Does that apply to me? :/
@AdamThomson LOL xoxoxo I only love Hipsters. 馃榾
I know a very friendly WordPress maintenance company with the bonus of English humor.
also, for conversions, sliders can confuse your message
columbia house!
i got 12 cassettes for a penny before
where at?
yeah, blab is messed up for me
idk if you can see this, my chat stopped working
I think @ZJockerd is hacking blab
LOL … They must be running the chat thru a 56K modem
Oh gtg client here. 馃檨 bye
I give up uncle Tucker you just don’t get hard core English humor! I personally thought I was being quite funny!
can’t call in :/ weak sauce
that could be simple css to make responsive
it’s working now
The oujia board got mad at him and kicked him out LOL
See you @jasontucker
somone got mad 馃檪
ok, now I don’t see you @jasontucker but your screen is there – ghosting
What’s with the head bandannas????
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