This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Robyn Wright ✅ , and Bridget Willard
EP018 – Marketing with WordPress – #WPblab
Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.
183 responses to “EP018 – Marketing with WordPress – #WPblab”
If you have a #WordPress question but can’t make @WPblab, simply tweet a question with:
Join us in a few hours, our focus topic tonight is Marketing with WordPress.
If you have a question please ask it by starting your question with /q
hey Adam
@jasontucker Hey hey. You guys start in 30 mins right?
ok, sharing now
trying to get some noob questions in for you…
haha nice
tonights focus topic is on marketing with WordPrss
we’ve been all over the place topic wise lately
@wpmodder haha they use to have “tell your mom” on the facebook button and “tell the world” on the twitter one 🙂
shared on my own timeline and in a blogger group…hopefully we’ll get some more eyeballs and QUESTIONS. I hope you have your A game ready;)
@jasontucker btw, not sure if I’ll be able to stick around, but throwing some questions in to help get started;)
Hey what is up? I did not know you cold see me 🙂
Yeah, cool, I kind of meant that 🙂
I know
hi friends!
@adamfout2 hiiiii
whatever this is more fun we’re having fun ok
@adamfout2 lol
those are some dope beats
sweet thanks
I want to write a song called PHP and sing in code
that’s amazing
this is the best thing that’s ever happened
Lololololol you haven’t updated in ages
@adamfout2 lol
Published on Oct 19, 2012
I love PMP!
Hello everyone
@YoussefOuhame hi
how you guys been doing what’s the topic
I am liking that app you mentioned in your podcast tips, way cool
ah good
@Cape_Dave cool
Love it!
Yoast is green one day then check it again next day it is red … grrrr
My cat site 🙂
Pricing Tables!
Hi Adam shout out to SucceedWithWP!! 🙂
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