
  • Podcasting about WordPress, what I learned in 9 years

    Back in 2004, my wife and I were planning our wedding and we needed a wedding website so we registered jasonandjen.com to track our wedding story and keep people up to date on events leading up to our marriage. At that time I was playing with Mambo, which later became Joomla. I was not a…

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  • WPwatercooler: The origin story

    Back in October of 2012 I wrote this blog post when I was deciding to start WPwatercooler and I thought I’d share it’s origin story here. It’s crazy how far we’ve come with the show at the bottom I’ve recapped how things have changed and what the process is currently. http://www.jasontucker.us/3109 WPwatercooler – back in…

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  • Welcome to WPwatercooler

    WPwatercooler came to me one day when I was really jones’ing to podcast again. I use to run a few podcasts and getting back into that while combining my love for WordPress seemed like the best way to go about it. I’m a member of the OC WordPress Meetup group and have made a quite…

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