Dev Branch

EP21 – Post Formats Status

August 5, 2022

This week on WPwatercooler’s Dev Branch we have Courtney Robertson joining us to talk about the future of Post Formats in the Full Site Editor future of WordPress. Is there room for Post Formats? Jason Cosper is a fan of them, he hopes so!

Courtney is a WordPress Training Team/Learn co-representative and a web design and developer advocate with GoDaddy Pro. Courtney was back on the show in September of 2021 – EP14 – Developing WordPress Developers.


Courtney Robertson –
Jason Tucker –
Sé Reed –
Jason Cosper –


Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Se Reed: A dev branch. It’s a dev branch.

[00:00:04] Jason Tucker: This is episode number 21 of Dev Branch, post format status.

[00:00:11] Se Reed: It’s a joke. Get it.

[00:00:15] Jason Tucker: I’m Jason Tucker. You find me at Jason Tucker on Twitter.

[00:00:22] Se Reed: I’m and that was actually a port man. Not a joke, but at say re I say stuff like that on Twitter.

[00:00:30] Jason Cosper: I don’t know who it is. It’s your boy, Jason Cosper, AKA fat Mullenweg, AKA post formats Malone. Back at it again.

[00:00:36] Jason Tucker: Go over to apple podcast, Google podcast and Spotify, and wherever else, you listen to podcasts and go listen to us. We’d really appreciate it. And if you’re listening to us, you can watch us on all the. Is pick a place they’re everywhere. It’s on Facebook. It’s on YouTube. It’s on Twitter. It’s on Twitch.

[00:00:54] Jason Tucker: We’re everywhere. Yeah, subscribe. smash all the things.

[00:01:02] Jason Cosper: Hey, we have a guest.

[00:01:04] Jason Tucker: we do,

[00:01:06] Se Reed: guest,is this a second time or a third time? I’m trying to remember here. I think it’s second time, right? Might yeah. yeah. Okay.

[00:01:13] Courtney Robertson: Second time.

[00:01:14] Se Reed: I, yeah. I feel like you’re on the show all the time, just cuz I talk to you so much. It’s all everything. WordPress, just kinda melds into one big WordPress pile for me. So it’s just, it’s all one long conversation.

[00:01:25] Courtney Robertson: I think it’s just been the long pandemic and everybody’s confused still.

[00:01:29] Se Reed: it’s been a long pandemic.

[00:01:32] Jason Tucker: in 30 seconds. Can you describe yourself,

[00:01:35] Courtney Robertson: Wow. 30 seconds,

[00:01:37] Jason Tucker: but take 20 seconds to figure it out and then only do 10.

[00:01:39] dev advocate at good daddy pro and team rep, contributor to the WordPress project through the training team of

[00:01:48] Jason Tucker: Good job. we went one flight of one flight and you did it. Good job. This is your elevator pitch. Good job.

[00:01:55] Jason Cosper: He said 30 seconds. And I really, I feel like it’s unfair. Tucker gave you 30 seconds. We only get 10 each, but

[00:02:03] Se Reed: Yeah, and then you mute me.

[00:02:04] Jason Cosper: we’re trying to yeah.

[00:02:06] Jason Tucker: And then I only just put your Twitter handles on the screen and that’s it.

[00:02:09] Se Reed: That’s all that matters. That’s the only place we actually exist. It’s

[00:02:13] Jason Tucker: yep.

[00:02:13] so today I think we need to hear from our good friend post formats Malone over here. I think you need to, you naive must introduce tonight’s show. Tonight’s show. What show am I on?

[00:02:30] Courtney Robertson: Still a long pandemic say.

[00:02:32] Se Reed: today’s show it’s been a long pandemic today’s

[00:02:34] Jason Cosper: Yeah. Yeah, no today’s show, today we are talking about, one of my, pet things to, that something that I wish had made it into WordPress car when they were talking about it. Gosh, back in the threes,when Tumblr was, new on the scene and appeared to be a threat to WordPress dominance before

[00:02:54] Se Reed: You already said

[00:02:55] Jason Cosper: bought Tumbl.

[00:02:57] Se Reed: You already said it twice. Oh my God. I was gonna make a thing after introduction where I was gonna say that if we like, we have to do something when we say Tumblr on this particular episode, maybe we should keep yeah. There’s

[00:03:13] Jason Cosper: Thank you, Jason.

[00:03:16] Se Reed: okay. Perfect.

[00:03:17] post formats were, were, and they still are in WordPress core. you just have to have support for them, in particular themes, but, effectively a way to have, stylized content. It’s what, blogging used to be like before, things like blogger and moveable type, forced you to have some sort of head.

[00:03:39] some sort of title for your post, for every post. in a way it’s you want to share an image it’s effectively micro blogging before we started calling up micro blogging. And,I really.

[00:03:51] Se Reed: microphone. Was it micro blogging earlier than that?

[00:03:54] not according to Wikipedia, I’m not gonna do the Steve thing

[00:03:57] Se Reed: do the same thing.

[00:04:00] Se Reed: right now. do it. No. Okay.

[00:04:06] Jason Cosper: that’s

[00:04:08] Jason Tucker: Oh, Oh, my goodness. Yeah.

[00:04:09] To blogs, which is what they were effectively called. And the first to blog is a site called, Anar, which is still around, like in a,archival. The 0.5 is good. Thank you. Anar ArcHa basically. Would do these link posts and, image posts and share, all of these different things in kind of one long feed, where it just didn’t feel like you had to write an essay to put something up on your site.

[00:04:42] Jason Cosper: You just had, but see, it was all in one place and you owned all the content,

[00:04:49] Jason Tucker: that’s always the thing, isn’t it? It’s all. you have CDNs. Now we don’t have to worry about hosting any of this

[00:04:54] Courtney Robertson: One of the things that I’ve thought about,over the years back when this is happening, I remember using services that would let me upload my image one time and it would like bulk send multiple places. And yeah, there’s some arguments about, should you repeat yourself on different networks with, should you make unique content on the different networks?

[00:05:11] Courtney Robertson: What I’ve wanted though is if I send from my own site out to other, make my own. We’re press site be the home source of the videos, the photos, whatever I’m sharing, and then syndicate from my site. So that it’s first with my control and I’m not beholden to some social network. And there used to be a thing and we’re pressed that would enable us to do that.

[00:05:34] Courtney Robertson: But then everybody’s protocol started getting weird.

[00:05:37] Se Reed: That’s I think everybody’s protocol getting weird and changing all the time is really what script tripped that

[00:05:43] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, but there’s something that’s related to sort to that idea of, indie web has some tools that are related about the same, but it’s more about you put your stuff on your site and it will bring back if people across the web bring you comments or

[00:05:55] Courtney Robertson: It’s like bridge or something like that to do those sorts of things, yeah.

[00:05:59] there is a concept called, posse, which is, publish on your own site, syndicate everywhere,

[00:06:05] Courtney Robertson: Right.

[00:06:06] Se Reed: is that’s the indie web standard. I went ahead and put that in, in our little side chat here. Show.

[00:06:12] Jason Cosper: yes. go on Courtney, please.

[00:06:14] but we were saying about the tum blogs with the, have your photo or your video post type or link post type that you were putting it first on your own place. I think that conjunction is something that the open web still needs to have happen. but the open web keeps getting more closed in and less open.

[00:06:30] Courtney Robertson: So that’s a concern.

[00:06:31] even right here in our own little old backyard. Sorry, not to bring us down. open web. Doing fine. It’s all fine. Everything’s

[00:06:42] Jason Cosper: now as we’re as, and, I will increase the Tumblr count, as, automatic has, purchased them. And they’re working on moving, Tumblr over to. Tumblr over, to Gutenberg,it’s an interesting thing, to think oh man, we actually could have. post formats and proper post formats.

[00:07:03] Jason Cosper: And I know that people have said, oh, with blocks, you have post formats, but it’s not the thing. You still have, like titles, on most of your posts you still have.

[00:07:16] Se Reed: You’re such a consummate artist, Cosper. You just want everything to be untitled. You’re like, I do not wish to be untitled and my viewers, they,

[00:07:27] Jason Tucker: What about the PERMA links? What about the links?

[00:07:31] Se Reed: slow man.

[00:07:33] Jason Cosper: they can just be a timestamp. The permalinks can just be a timestamp man. You’re getting

[00:07:38] Se Reed: moment of time inside of your mind, a fraction of time on the internet.

[00:07:43] Jason Tucker: Cosper you’re right. I couldn’t tell you what the URL was of my live journal post. Couldn’t tell you it don’t even remember what the format was of it. It was probably some crazy quid number and that’s it. Here you go.

[00:07:55] Yeah,

[00:07:56] Jason Tucker: yeah, I get it. I get it. Makes sense.

[00:07:57] Jason Cosper: Who cares? I know that, probably, I was gonna say I’m sure that, that anybody into SEO cares, but,I don’t wanna

[00:08:06] Jason Cosper: I’m.

[00:08:06] Se Reed: like on a whole, like what, like the new generations are like searching on TikTok. What is SEO to that? What is SEO like? They’re I don’t know what Google’s plans are, but. as WordPress goes, I dunno if it says WordPress goes, so goes the web or as so goes the web. So goes WordPress or maybe just we’re all times they are a change in, but

[00:08:29] Jason Tucker: on who you’re asking.

[00:08:30] Se Reed: yeah, depending on you’re asking, but the, as all this changes underneath our feet with blocks and everything’s changing underneath Google’s feet.

[00:08:40] Se Reed: And obviously, Facebook’s recent. Whatever conversion, clone, self cloning, whatever they’re choosing to do, like this stuff is changing and SEO isn’t even being done in the same way as it was, a couple years ago. And so what our titles like does good Google search engines are so much more sophisticated than they were, they can get into that content.

[00:09:03] you could bury an H one tag anyway, point. I don’t know that SEO is the be all end, all of anything anymore.

[00:09:10] Courtney Robertson: One of the weird things to remember though, is that right now, if you go to Google, especially. If you open up the rest of people, logs section, if you search for something, sometimes you’ll get those videos that pop up and they’re self-hosted, they’re on people’s sites, similar to TikTok or Instagram reels.

[00:09:27] Courtney Robertson: You’ll get some of that type of activity. But later when you click into it, you realize, wait, this is on someone’s site, not on some other network and it’s their video that looks talkish and it’s popping in the search results, depending upon what your topics are about. and what if we already have that capability?

[00:09:43] Courtney Robertson: I think jet pack and both, and Google site kit enable the stories

[00:09:48] Courtney Robertson: as a custom post type. And those stories are either like photos or those TikTok style videos that you embed. What if that was a post format in posts, right? Instead of as its own separate CPT, what if that used regular posts with the post format to make that happen? Would that be a logical way to do that?

[00:10:09] Se Reed: aren’t post, didn’t you play around with stories a little

[00:10:13] Jason Tucker: I did. I did

[00:10:15] Se Reed: We did a show about it for a second.

[00:10:17] Jason Tucker: Yeah. It felt fun. It felt funky. It felt a little funky. Like it was

[00:10:21] Se Reed: I don’t know that anyone’s been putting any effort into it, but we should look into it cuz I think it was at least two years ago that we, that, that debuted, I think it was pre pandemic. It was around the same time that Google’s, open source team was doing more. Which BT has been a whole, little mini scandal.

[00:10:37] Se Reed: I that, but.

[00:10:38] Jason Tucker: I. Yeah, I’m just a real, huge stories fan. And so having the ability to just crank out content and throw it onto the site much, like what Cosper was saying, is just yeah, the faster I can get that content out of my phone and into the internet the better. And so I have to use Instagram to do that, or I have to use tech talk to do that.

[00:10:58] Jason Tucker: So yeah, I, that’s why I started exploring them. Like how do I host this myself

[00:11:02] but does, in essence, we still have the structure of the post having a title by default, but obviously you could very easily make a,a custom post type that didn’t have a title, so you could very easily, and then you just have a block, one block, whatever block it is. It could be it, isn’t that essentially isn’t a block, essentially the same thing. A post format and then bringing into that, it would just be a block with a, if you want a specific, layout or whatever you want image, you would just be picking a pattern, You’d be your own personal,what’s that?

[00:11:39] Courtney Robertson: a plugin from Aaron Jordan and that plugin does not display a post format as a single block. It displays in the post. What post format? That is using, it adds a block inside of a regular post to, to tell the reader. And I would guess if we went visiting in site, we might stumble upon some of those, but it’s declaring it’s a public way of declaring showing.

[00:12:05] Se Reed: Here’s what this post format is. That’s hard to say this What format this post blocks. this post block is what is,

[00:12:14] Jason Tucker: gonna screw up the grammar at some point. It’s okay.

[00:12:16] Se Reed: what block? It’s

[00:12:18] Courtney Robertson: Words are hard. We’ve learned that words are hard. So there are, I think, what was it? Six post format types. Do you remember all of them Cosper? What? There was like

[00:12:28] I know that there’s,

[00:12:29] Courtney Robertson: photo

[00:12:30] Courtney Robertson: link, video photo, quote, I believe is one of them. the weird.

[00:12:35] Se Reed: drawers, seven

[00:12:36] Jason Cosper: chat is the. Chat is the weird one.

[00:12:39] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. It was like, put, yeah, put your chat log in. and you could like format. I remember Tadlock having a,

[00:12:45] Se Reed: I hear that so hard. I never even

[00:12:46] Courtney Robertson: Okay. Here’s the backstory to why I, Courtney is a developer. one reason I had a customer that wanted to enable a sidebar before that was a thing and I was using the revolution theme. So perhaps rank Gardner for compelling me into PHP.

[00:12:59] Courtney Robertson: Second reason I learned more PHP. I had to register a sidebar and a widget. And that was all manual at that time. Second reason is that I. We went to the contributor day in where camp, New York, 2014. And I was terribly intimidated by those people over by the window that were talking about rest API.

[00:13:16] Courtney Robertson: And I was like, I don’t know what that’s all about. but here’s the marketing and the training team tables side by side. I fit one of those because I teach marketing and I also teach web dev. And so where, which table am I supposed to sit at? So I landed at training. and, back then it was Courtney O Callahan and Tracy Leveck.

[00:13:33] Courtney Robertson: And I sat down and got a picture of what was going on. And I was dabbling with post formats and enabling them using head web on my side, like good child. Think for headway. I know how to pick some winners in my day. Let me tell you. So I decided that post formats with headway was like, oh my thing, oh, this is Courtney’s story to being a dev.

[00:13:53] Se Reed: Seven on.

[00:13:54] Courtney Robertson: No, I’m not that no. anyway, the, I sat down and I was like, yeah, I can make something about teaching people how to do this for the training team and writing lesson plans about this. and the meetup organizers could go teach people how to use them. And. Make them. So I realized pretty quickly when I sat down, oh, we need a version that’s for users and a version that’s for enabling that support in developers.

[00:14:14] Courtney Robertson: And I don’t know if before that time we have the thought in the team, I was just a contributor, brand new kind of outta my element, being in New York alone, figuring everything out for that week. And I was like, we need a version of this. That is how to enable it inside of themes and a version of this.

[00:14:29] Courtney Robertson: That is how to use it. So it was easy to write how to use it. It was harder for me. To learn the PHP necessary to build the child theme that they could support the styling for all of that. And so that’s how I came into this and those two are live now and learn, and other people helped get those across the finish line, to publish them.

[00:14:47] Courtney Robertson: But they are lesson plans, both as a user and a dev learn that you could get about implementing post formats. the traditional way. Now we’re in an FSC. Full site editing. If that’s what we’re calling it these days, that name is up for some grabs. And so in the FY world, how do we make that possible for users?

[00:15:06] Courtney Robertson: And,

[00:15:07] Se Reed: FSE.

[00:15:08] Courtney Robertson: yeah, so I like it. Yeah. So we have two ways of doing that. These like two ways that I see is related, but I don’t know if either of them are a great solution fully yet or not. the first is templates and we can edit templates now using the block editor and you don’t even have to have full FSE going on in your site.

[00:15:26] Courtney Robertson: You could just use the block editor to make a custom template that applies. That post, if you would like to do it that way. it’s on the right hand side bar inside of making a post and you could find the template and just hit, edit and make a new one or change the one you’re on. the O that would be more about the theme areas of that template.

[00:15:49] Courtney Robertson: So that’s more about not the, as much about the content, but the theme, but I’ve seen.

[00:15:54] Se Reed: The frame for the content.

[00:15:56] Courtney Robertson: I’ve seen some people implement their post formats on their site where they have unique icons, as if you were reading Tumblr and it would indicate which type this is. So for those of us that remember Tumblr days, dang it.

[00:16:10] there we go. I said it again. So there we go. it’s just water today though. But,if you’re structuring out. When you’re looking at your blog archive, you could identify, this is a photo. This is a link. This is a chat. This is whatever the format is. the other option is newer and I stumbled into this while on one of Ann’s recent calls for testing.

[00:16:28] Courtney Robertson: It’s a feature that came out in, I think it was Gutenberg 13, six might have been 13, seven. You can now make patterns. and, I gave a link to two places where we could find this. but you can make a pattern and apply it to a specific post. And when the user goes to the post yes. in this, it’s got the code for how to do this.

[00:16:53] Courtney Robertson: When the user goes to create a new post or whatever, custom post type, you assign these to, They would have to select between the patterns that are there. So as soon as you hit new post in the last call for testing, you’re presented with two different patterns to pick from what if those patterns were the content layout that you wanted for those post formats.

[00:17:15] Courtney Robertson: And as I’m looking at post formats and how do we deal with them now? It’s is that template territory or is it the pattern territory where you’re, preloading. Layout of the content as well, or maybe it’s both. And, but yet we still have this taxonomy area over here, those formats. And so now what.

[00:17:35] can you connect the, can you connect the taxonomy to a pattern? if you selected, then it would automatically like, so I do this a lot with advanced custom fields, You select a category and it pops up your various custom fields. it’s annoying in terms of like initiation. If you have to wait to decide, or if you don’t, pop up the fields before, you make your selection, but that basically would, could be the same, type of thing.

[00:18:01] Se Reed: You’d click. Click a post format. And then it’s just boom, here’s your, your image or your quote or your whatever.

[00:18:07] So in the example of the pattern, we didn’t have to go to the block inserter to insert that pattern in the last call for testing. It’s

[00:18:15] Se Reed: See, that is what is.

[00:18:17] Courtney Robertson: I go with whatever, when you put your mouse over top of it, whatever it tells you that it

[00:18:20] Se Reed: and that is just I, to the reason I’m flagging that just for anyone listening and YouTube, dude, I am like in a, on a language tear in various comments in the WordPress world about is it the block panel? Is it the list view? Is it a block inserter? Is it a, whatever it is, add a block

[00:18:37] Courtney Robertson: you, when you put your mouse over top of it and the hover text shows up. That’s what I default to usually.

[00:18:44] Se Reed: Yeah, except for tho it turns out all of those things are just there by default erupting out of nowhere. So that’s the problem. We’re just naming things without even trying to it’s like the book of Genesis up in here. Oh,

[00:18:57] Courtney Robertson: so when we go to make a new post, what was happening, as soon as I would go to hit new post, there was a modal right away that I didn’t even get into editing the post or anything. It was a modal over top of everything. That’s pick one of these two, because that was what was in that call for testing.

[00:19:12] Courtney Robertson: So that’s new inside of Gutenberg, 13, six or seven, whichever it came out in. You had to immediately pick it wasn’t oh, I’m just gonna starting a post later. Decide that it’s this pattern style or something. whereas

[00:19:26] Se Reed: what were the options?

[00:19:28] Courtney Robertson: it was, if you run through the call for testing, yeah, there’s a instant WP option for that.

[00:19:33] Courtney Robertson: I know you guys just have the Casa on last week. but when you could, is this the right?

[00:19:36] yeah. The instant WP option would load up a site pretty quickly and show us what that looks like. But, it’s a little more than we have time for right now. The, that picture will show you down below a little bit. no,

[00:19:48] Se Reed: What you were picking? Oh, those two.

[00:19:49] Courtney Robertson: that was true.

[00:19:50] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. So you had either a new event announcement or event recap, and it was, it would have inside of it, some titles and some spots for paragraphs and you just load in, like it already had words that would be published and you just fill in additional.

[00:20:03] that’s taking it even to the next step right of specificity. Were you able to change that language? And it was just like feeder language or was

[00:20:15] some of it was about testing the locking, the lock locking. So there’s.

[00:20:21] Se Reed: To do that every time you say block locking it’s required. I don’t know what that is that I just did, but don’t just, don’t do it. Okay. Anyway, it’s

[00:20:27] you’re throwing elbows.

[00:20:29] Se Reed: I’m throwing elbow. It’s just offending someone somewhere. I promise. so is a post format by another name, a post format. is that to me to a certain degree, that is if you’re getting like, what’s the difference between you get your screen? It’s says, pick one, you pick one and then you have your options and then you fill it out and you hit publish. isn’t that the same thing, if you would select post format and you’d get your thing and you’d go about your. I think maybe the difference is can you add blocks to the pattern, right? Like you can, or is it restricted within that? these are the only, is your block, are your blocks locked? you can lock them. So can you just block that pattern? And that’s it, you get your, the blocks in that pattern and that’s what you get and you can publish it and you’re done. Cause that’s essentially those formats. Is it.

[00:21:26] Jason Tucker: Yeah.

[00:21:27] Se Reed: So maybe problem is we just need to build patterns into the post format UI, which was a lot easier to use, I think, than patterns

[00:21:35] Se Reed: , here’s another Tumblr mention. here’s another Tumblr mention,this is effectively this episode, just so you know, the Tumblr, interface. So yeah, you select your post. And you don’t really get an opportunity to change it. So if I wanted to, paste a link in here,

[00:21:56] Se Reed: Right.

[00:21:56] I would, and there’s no real option to change it after the fact, unlike when you’re doing, an actual,writing, a blog post or a page or whatever else you’re working on.

[00:22:08] Se Reed: if Tumblr. Do the thing, please? Tumblr’s oh, again, because since Tumblr’s switching over to Gutenberg, if Tumblr’s post formats, which are obviously have been a love of our benevolent dictators for a very long time, as

[00:22:22] wouldn’t you, if you acquired it, come on.

[00:22:24] way before he acquired it. we’ve talked a lot about how post formats and Tumblr are like, live their parallel lives over here.

[00:22:31] Se Reed: But I’m wondering if Tumblr which will be then using Gutenberg and is owned by Yul automatic. will buttons be essentially patterns of. Because where are you or is the Gutenberg only in the text editor? That doesn’t make sense. So it

[00:22:49] Jason Tucker: we’ll just, oh, embed. it’ll be good. We’ll just hit. We’ll just, oh, embed it. We’ll call it a day. It’s no big deal.

[00:22:54] Se Reed: yeah. So are those patterns like, cause I don’t know. I know little to, nothing about Tumblr’s backend. that to me sounds like what is happening there? I don’t know what Twitter’s in. No Tumblr’s infrastructure was in terms. Whatever, it’s formats. I have no idea what it starts.

[00:23:11] do you any idea,

[00:23:12] Se Reed: you know what

[00:23:13] Jason Cosper: I,

[00:23:14] Jason Tucker: It was written in

[00:23:14] Jason Cosper: I know. Yeah.

[00:23:17] Jason Tucker: it was written in PHP. I do know that. Cuz Marco Armin said he written it. He wrote it in PHP.

[00:23:23] Jason Cosper: Yep. Was written in PHP by Marco Armit and oh, ton of other people, but he was the primary architect. and yeah, I see Daniel just said something in the chat. wait, we’re not getting rid of post, formats eventually seems

[00:23:39] Se Reed: Eventually, this is exactly what we’re talking. this essential question.

[00:23:45] Jason Tucker: Yep.

[00:23:45] Se Reed: Do

[00:23:46] Jason Cosper: See, but it’s interesting because I, I. I have resigned myself to okay, post formats. it’s never gonna be the thing I want it to be. But in a recent, post status chat with Matt, which was recorded, I think before word camp Europe, but only put out like a couple weeks ago. Matt said one of the things that he regretted.

[00:24:09] like doing with WordPress or not finishing or bringing across the finish line was post formats. I think that even though, WordPress has become this, like everything bucket, so you can run,a WooCommerce store from it, you can,set up a corporate site with it. it’s a full, it’s a full-fledged CMS now.

[00:24:29] but I really think, it might actually reengage some people by bringing it back to its blogging route or, like roots it’s one of those things where,

[00:24:39] Jason Cosper: What is the nineties again? people. People. there are people out there who blog, but a lot of people don’t blog at the kind of clip that they did, in the mid two thousands.

[00:24:50] Se Reed: or TikTok. and it is a quicker clip because it is quicker to record a video than it is to write a blog. Like no matter how, everyone does it in their car, whatever, while they’re driving and just like it’s,

[00:25:03] Jason Tucker: But I wanna display them on my website and make it so that everyone can see them all in one spot.

[00:25:07] but now I need,

[00:25:08] Jason Cosper: you go back.

[00:25:09] Courtney Robertson: newly decoupled WordPress. To be as intuitive as us publishing on other social platforms, because then if the WordPress app gets to that point, then we own it on our home. And then we syndicate.

[00:25:22] Se Reed: I think the word and we haven’t talked about this yet, but the decoupling of jet pack and the WordPress mobile app, I think may be one of the most significant and beneficial things to happen to. The WordPress project, the open source project and the community in a long time. And

[00:25:39] Jason Tucker: or it starts its abandoned wear, a stage of life

[00:25:43] Jason Tucker: no, because have any money

[00:25:44] Se Reed: cool functionality. It already, it just needs to continue to stay. Okay. We can’t talk about this cause we have 10 seconds left. No, but it’s a great, like maybe we should talk about it the next dev branch and get some people. Cause

[00:25:55] Jason Tucker: especially how do you use blocks with it? That’s what I wanna know.

[00:25:58] Jason Tucker: well, there’s so many questions. Always, we keep doing this. We keep, No, that’s what we’re supposed to do.

[00:26:04] Se Reed: This is, we are an endless barrel of questions on this show. That’s all we do here, even though he’s not on this show. I think I’ll give, since we’re at our time, I’ll give Daniel the last word. He says, forget all this and bring back friend.

[00:26:17] Se Reed: Yes. I’m with Daniel. We are all

[00:26:20] I missed

[00:26:20] Se Reed: our millennial is showing oops.

[00:26:22] Jason Tucker: I think all of us need to go sign up for a Tumblr except for Cosper. He’s been using that for years. And then, after that we can, we can actually be like, now I understand how Tumblr works and now we can actually, apply it to our WordPress sites. Sound good, homework talk. Y’all later.

[00:26:40] Jason Tucker: Have a good rest of your day. Here’s our outro. Go over to day water To subscribe to this content, you can go to apple podcast, Google podcast, Stitcher, Spotify, or you can watch us over on YouTube and Facebook. Talk to y’all later. You have a good one. Bye-bye.

[00:27:00] Se Reed: This episode did have visual gags that were not explained. Let us know if you want.

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