EP028 – Chatting #WordPress with “Women Who WP” – WPblab

On this episode of WPblab we chat with a local nonprofit group Women Who WP about their group, why they started it and what they see coming in the future for the group.

Participants this week:

Jen Miller – needsomeonetoblog.com
Elizabeth Shilling – orcawebperformance.com
Brianna Privett – technosiren.com
Robert Dall – robertdall.com


Jason Tucker – jasontucker.us, WPwatercooler.com, WPmedia.pro
Bridget Willard – bridgetwillard.com, WordImpress.com, GiveWP.com


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

398 responses to “EP028 – Chatting #WordPress with “Women Who WP” – WPblab”

  1. Jason Tucker Avatar
  2. TechnoSiren Avatar

    It’s a pretty good show tho.

  3. Adam Thomson Avatar
  4. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson I like possee

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar
  6. TechnoSiren Avatar

    It is such a nice feeling to work solitary for so many years and then find real life people who like the same things you do. Like open source blogging software.

  7. Jen Miller Avatar

    @techno_siren yes!

  8. Bridget Willard Avatar

    I forgot to pause my Bulldog Backup. 😀

  9. Roy Sivan Avatar

    #IwantPizza now

  10. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @VeriousSmithIII HOLA

  11. James M Avatar
  12. Roy Sivan Avatar

    +1 to Alex! He got me in too

  13. Roy Sivan Avatar
  14. Jason Tucker Avatar

    she had to go under the water to SF

  15. Robert Dall Avatar

    That’s actually a real escape

  16. Jason Tucker Avatar


  17. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    Can you explain it in the context of The Rock for us millenials.

  18. Bridget Willard Avatar
  19. Bridget Willard Avatar

    It might be on Netflix, Kevin

  20. Robert Dall Avatar

    The movie was based on a real escape.

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @robertdall exactly

  22. Roy Sivan Avatar

    She Sean Connerie’d that shit

  23. Roy Sivan Avatar

    we all know how much you love open source now 🙂

  24. Roy Sivan Avatar

    dig yourself out of Alcatraz?

  25. TechnoSiren Avatar

    Alex couldn’t have been more welcoming when I hit WCLAX last year. What a champ!

  26. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @techno_siren I agree about Alex.

  27. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Shawshank > Escape from Alcatraz.

  28. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson It is better but not as good of an analogy

  29. TechnoSiren Avatar

    I am really excited my kids are older and I can hopefully start attending regular meetups – like @YouTooCanBeGuru I went to WordCamps first. I could manage a once a year event with babies, not once a month.

  30. Bridget Willard Avatar

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