EP32 – How to get the most out of WordCamp? #WordPress – #WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, Robert Dall, and Russell Aaron


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

240 responses to “EP32 – How to get the most out of WordCamp? #WordPress – #WPblab”

  1. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I believe in the past we piggybacked off of the Australian one. I guess I need to talk to them.

  2. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    Be a volunteer first… show initiative.

  3. Adam Thomson Avatar

    @jpurpleman I have 🙂 I’m so ready.

  4. Paul Oyler Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru Let Devin know his submission did not come in

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar
  6. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler He’s traveling in Europe.

  7. Paul Oyler Avatar

    Jason said he was going to, but didn’t get it

  8. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler He wanted Devin to speak. 🙂

  9. Bridget Willard Avatar

    Can you shoot Jason an email so it’s not me tattling?

  10. Paul Oyler Avatar

    Grace and Peace, y’all

  11. Paul Oyler Avatar

    he still has time

  12. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    It’s midnight friday my time.

  13. Adam Thomson Avatar
  14. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Sometimes I get up at 6am for Watercooler though.

  15. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    I watch the replay all the time.

  16. Adam Thomson Avatar
  17. Paul Oyler Avatar

    this is first blab…had no idea what it was

  18. Adam Thomson Avatar
  19. Adam Thomson Avatar

    It’s like bands… Whoever goes to Australia we try and get them here.

  20. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler Oh fun.

  21. Adam Thomson Avatar

    So it would sure take some planning.

  22. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Thanks I will get back on sometime. (When I feel like I have something worthy good to contribute.)

  23. Paul Oyler Avatar

    Blondie kareoke?

  24. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I would pay to see that.

  25. Paul Oyler Avatar

    watching Jeff Chandler and Jeff Matson bowl was fun this weekend

  26. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    What can’t he do? P

  27. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    She does guitar I think.

  28. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I would so karaoke post-camp with you ppl.

  29. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I’ll do “Wipeout” in kareoke, but thats all

  30. Paul Oyler Avatar

    does Denver have a WordCamp?

  31. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Bring. The. Ballads.

  32. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Every band named after a US city. Kansas, Boston, etc.

  33. Adam Thomson Avatar

    If you Toto – everyone Totos.

  34. Paul Oyler Avatar

    just found Devin’s submission – it went to spam folder

  35. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I don’t know why it went there, unless it was IP

  36. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler Devino. 😀

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