This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, Roy Sivan, Kevin Hoffman, Verious Smith III, and Adam Thomson
EP027 – Is using a #WordPress page builder “cheating”? – WPblab
Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.
352 responses to “EP027 – Is using a #WordPress page builder “cheating”? – WPblab”
I’m looking forward to tonight’s discussion about Page Builders and how they are perceived and used in our Web Dev community.
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oooh! Behave badly!
I was up around 2:30a – maybe we should start texting each other
@ListingVideosLA lol
Yes! Controversy is Awesome!
@MichaelOzer1 ha ha ha
Hi Guys!
Hi everyone!!
You’re so right; lets not use changing technology. Time to dump the smartphones!!
@ListingVideosLA lol
It feels odd to have things work so easily – we like to make things hard for ourselves
@TaraClaeys Totally
It”s a builder that makes pages
#BobTheBuilder 😀
It feels like it’s cheating. But then it makes things so much easier – learning to get over it
@ListingVideosLA lol
and walk 10 miles thru the snow
Page builders are cheating for devs, sure, but are they necessary if you have n00b content editors…?
I think a good reason for using one is you can teach a n00b content editor to create responsive content pretty quickly and easily…
not at all, imo
Taken to the extreme, using electricity can be considered ‘cheating’
^haha this guy…
how far do you have to go back to not cheat? do we need to invent our own markup language for a plumbers website?
i used to think themes were cheating
A big selling point of WP is that people can edit their websites easily. Aren’t page builders are just further expanding on that?
@AdamThomson for sure
@jamesmaabadi Yes
Should we charge less when we use a builder, or more because it makes it easier for the client to work with their site going forward? Beaver Builder has a white label agency option so the client doesn’t even know what is being used
Beaver Builder ++
personally i think charge the same
can then use the time to provide value elsewhere on their project
you are charging for your knowledge
12 year olds can make websites, so that’s not what they are paying for
took me a long long time to realize taht
hey! i take offense to taht
everyone cares about code
reverse trolling
if you are saying the point is to just sell a site that makes money, coudln’t you argue that Beaver Builder , etc. is TOO Complicated
@ListingVideosLA BOOM! Exactly Iris!
@royboy789 We double-dog dare you to join, Roy. 😀
The lawyer charged their client $1000 for a letter. When the client demanded an explanation and a new bill. The lawyer gave them a bill as follows: Letter $100. 3 years of law school; 5 years of practice: $900
I charge for the initial build, and then a small amount monthly for hosting, updating plugins, etc. I also charge p/h for template changes. I teach the client to do their own content though, and leave them to it for the most part. Them I’m onto the next project. Pagebuilders have been great for this because drag-n-drop is the best selling point imo. It’s probably not the best business model for me, but seems to be what people want…
Sorry if that’s tl;dnr
ummm coffee
yummy coffee!
@VeriousSmithIII HI!!!!!
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