EP025 – How to #podcast using #WordPress – WBblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, Roy Sivan, and Adam Silver


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

234 responses to “EP025 – How to #podcast using #WordPress – WBblab”

  1. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver rad *applause*

  2. Adam Silver Avatar

    @quotidianlight work emergency? from an author? what.. semi colon gone crazy?

  3. Maya Goode Avatar

    I’m avoiding another 2 hours of editing at the moment

  4. Maya Goode Avatar

    @heyadamsilver print inner design and the designer can only meet when her baby is sleeping lol

  5. Adam Silver Avatar

    @quotidianlight gotcha! makes perfect sense.

  6. Maya Goode Avatar

    @heyadamsilver Yeah, I had to QA 5 books and some design hiccups

  7. Maya Goode Avatar

    they did something and g+ and youtube events got all messy

  8. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    google plus is lava

  9. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    get where you need to go, don’t touch the floor

  10. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    tech support by anonymous

  11. Maya Goode Avatar

    It started with a lot of potential and then they kept breaking it

  12. Maya Goode Avatar

    nooo, don’t stoppppp

  13. Maya Goode Avatar

    I also listen directly from websites lol

  14. James Maabadi Avatar

    show topic idea, best podcasts

  15. James Maabadi Avatar

    if i start any more, i’ll have to listen at that speed

  16. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    1.5x plus smart speed is where it’s at

  17. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Lock Stock and 2 smoking podcasts

  18. Maya Goode Avatar

    noooo, work equals control!

  19. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    too bad you can’t market them

  20. James Maabadi Avatar

    doesn’t wordpress rewrite it correctly

  21. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    it should be $1 for each letter

  22. James Maabadi Avatar

    i know there was a big uproar at one time about that

  23. Maya Goode Avatar

    I once had my name mispelled on my own website. you are so used to seeing it that I literally didn’t see it.

  24. Adam Silver Avatar

    thats for @jasontucker

  25. Maya Goode Avatar

    nooooo! go over! no sleep for Jason!

  26. James Maabadi Avatar

    topic idea, how to find master mind group

  27. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    done for you bridget

  28. Adam Silver Avatar

    @jamesmaabadi good one.. and I may be starting one/two again..

  29. Roy Sivan Avatar

    mastermind groups are a whole other topic

  30. Maya Goode Avatar

    @heyadamsilver I love the music. You’re pretty cool.

  31. James Maabadi Avatar

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