EP012 – Answering your #WordPress Questions #AskWPblab – #WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Russell Aaron, Adam Silver, Jonathan Denwood, and Bridget Willard


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

221 responses to “EP012 – Answering your #WordPress Questions #AskWPblab – #WPblab”

  1. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    No starting from the ground up

  2. Adam Silver Avatar

    $1500 is low for ground up..

  3. Mike Campbell Avatar

    Ground up development that would be cheap if they are doing that.

  4. Driving Maul Avatar

    but that’s if you want a bespoke the right?

  5. Jacob Arriola Avatar

    design + development?

  6. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    Basically I am being billed $75.99 per hour

  7. Driving Maul Avatar

    do you need custom work

  8. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    not really. the builder will find a theme from available authors that will suite my needs

  9. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    i will be putting in the content

  10. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    okay. I will be billed for all costs associated with development, such as themes, plugins. I will be notified before anything is purchased for approval, so that sounds good.

  11. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    I’m not looking to get a cheap job done, but I want to be sure that is the standard.

  12. Priscilla Christian Avatar

    Retainers work super great for me.

  13. Russell Aaron Avatar

    standard is a hard definition

  14. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    thanks for answering my question.

  15. Adam Silver Avatar

    @iamgabrielleh hope that helps

  16. Mike Campbell Avatar

    I am looking at creating something called Profit with WP and teach people how to build recurring revenue using WordPress. Do you think this is a good niche to train people in?

  17. Russell Aaron Avatar

    isnt that called a meetup?

  18. Mike Campbell Avatar

    For example local businesses

  19. Russell Aaron Avatar

    very broad statement

  20. Mike Campbell Avatar

    Marketing for them, buying niche websites

  21. Russell Aaron Avatar

    I want to monetize it all

  22. Jason Tucker Avatar

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  23. Clint - Olympia SEO Avatar

    royalties, membership sites, affiliate review sites, amazon, adsense

  24. Russell Aaron Avatar

    you knock on their door

  25. Mike Campbell Avatar

    Ok thanks Bridget, I know it takes time.

  26. Russell Aaron Avatar

    isnt that how you teach?

  27. Russell Aaron Avatar
  28. Russell Aaron Avatar

    can I jump in on this?

  29. Mike Campbell Avatar

    How do you suggest getting people who already have successful WordPress businesses on a Podcast? Any suggestions

  30. Mike Campbell Avatar

    I am looking at starting one, and want to know, sorry

  31. Gabrielle Howard Avatar

    (Spelling) “Taking”

  32. Mike Campbell Avatar

    I want to interview people who have created businesses with WordPress

  33. Mike Campbell Avatar

    That would be what the Wp Entrepreneur would be about

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