EP015 – Answering #WordPress Problems – #WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Jonathan Denwood, Robyn Wright, Dinodemetro, Jacob Arriola, Bridget Willard, Clint – Olympia SEO, Bob Malloy, and Raz


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it鈥檚 community.

318 responses to “EP015 – Answering #WordPress Problems – #WPblab”

  1. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @BobCMalloy welcome!

  2. Jason Tucker Avatar
  3. Raz Avatar

    hey man what’s up

  4. Bob Malloy Avatar

    Thanks, I’m glad I finally made it.

  5. Jason Tucker Avatar

    audio coming out ok?

  6. Jason Tucker Avatar

    is the text going the correct way on the video?

  7. Raz Avatar

    it’s all good 馃檪

  8. Raz Avatar

    hd and all that stuff

  9. Raz Avatar

    it’s ok Jason, u fine

  10. Bob Malloy Avatar

    i posted it in the advanced wordpress group

  11. Raz Avatar

    @bobcmalloy, how does one get on that group?

  12. Raz Avatar

    so you admin?

  13. Raz Avatar

    where do I find one?

  14. Aging Expert Avatar

    Hey there someone has got to do it!

  15. Robyn Wright Avatar

    Just went and double checked my Gravatar and updated my bio

  16. Grant Derepas Avatar

    I had the same issue on wp.org. You can migrate all plugin ownership over but all your comment history/activity etc is stuck

  17. Robyn Wright Avatar
  18. Bridget Willard Avatar
  19. Bridget Willard Avatar
  20. Robyn Wright Avatar

    I use gravatar on my commenting on my blog as well

  21. Robyn Wright Avatar

    FYI – when you login and click on MY PROFILE – on the right under your pic it says “VIEW PROFILE” that is what you click/grab for your public link

  22. Robyn Wright Avatar

    If you are working on social media/branding yourself/branding your company/etc. when people see that same AVATAR IMAGE on many places it builds BRAND RECOGNITION

  23. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @RobynsWorld yes x 1,000,000

  24. Robyn Wright Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru I’ve been doing this a while 馃檪

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