WPblab EP61 – Building Your WordPress Freelancing by Speaking (or Teaching) w/Adam Silver

This week on WPblab we’ll be joined by Adam Silver to how you can use public speaking to build your WordPress Freelancing business.

Adam Silver – Relax. We Got This|ConciergeWP.com

Adam Silver came to WordPress as a photographer because he needed to convert his own html site. Found he had a gift as a teacher – podcaster – speaker and started sharing his knowledge. One of his keys in warming up a room is sending softball questions to get conversation going.

Speaking to a live audience can be a benefit due to the immediate feedback you are able to get but scaling comes with online courses. Adam chose to get his own space and charge per student versus going through Adult Ed. The benefits of teaching a course are that people join his Meetup, take the class or hire him. People generally find him on the Meetup, on meetup.com and through his podcasts. He started using Ad Espresso to run Google adwords. Doing 25 miles within his location.

Bridget reminds that images without text perform better in Facebook advertising and says Twitter ads may be less expensive.

1st step if you want to talk at a WordCamp – Pitch it at a Meetup – reach out and ask if you can give your talk. Adam has adamislive.com and uses it anytime he speaks.

BTW WordPress has Speaker Training
Make WordPress Training

Adam’s “It’s Not a Hobby” Podcast coming soon – It’s Not A Hobby
– sign up to be notified!

Class coming up in 20 days.

Self-advertising: Once a month Adam sponsors his own show – wouldn’t allow ads for the first 100 shows – wanted his audience to trust him

Adam loves to travel & loves to share and speak – he and his wife decided the best way to honor those two passions was to travel to more WordCamps – an investment but also a sacrifice (time away from family)

Your Website Engineer – Dustin Hartzler
“Helping you create a high quality WordPress website, by teaching you the skills to master WordPress.”
WordPress Resource:Your Website Engineer with Dustin Hartzler

The specific episode Adam was on: WordPress Resource

Show Note Contributors

Jen Miller @jenblogs4u
Cheryl LaPrade – @yaycheryl
Sherie LaPrade – @HeySherie
James Tryon – @jamestryon
Verious Smith – @verioussmith
Robey Lawrence – @robeylawrence


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

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