EP029 – Using WordPress in Education – Talking w/ TeacherCast – #WPblab

This week on WPblab we’re going to be doing a collaborative show with Jeffrey Bradbury of TeacherCast discussing WordPress in the education space.

On this episode:Jeffrey Bradbury of TeacherCast join Bridget Willard and  Jason Tucker.


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

145 responses to “EP029 – Using WordPress in Education – Talking w/ TeacherCast – #WPblab”

  1. Bridget Willard Avatar
  2. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson Don’t be scared, just be real. I ca’nt wait to hear it.

  3. Walter pedersen  Avatar

    any professional blogger uses word press

  4. Walter pedersen  Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru I have a professional theme on word press.org

  5. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    professionals generally don’t refer to themselves as professionals…. that’s a good sign

  6. Walter pedersen  Avatar

    Yes Gary vee I follow his work..

  7. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @Wgp7110 He’s right on

  8. fatdreams Avatar

    Desktop Server!

  9. Adam Thomson Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru omg(oodness) hopefully no WP friends will hear it! I make dinosaur noises in scary band called Farming the Population.

  10. Adam Thomson Avatar


  11. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson oh fun 😀

  12. Jeffrey Bradbury Avatar

    love me some Slider Chat … lets go another hour

  13. Adam Thomson Avatar

    In all honesty my fav (free) tools are WP-Optimise, Wordfence, Yoast SEO, EWWW Image Optimisation, and I wish that all people were taught about why/when to use them.

  14. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson YOAST ! duh I should have rememberd that

  15. Bridget Willard Avatar

    If you earn a living on WordPress, you’re a professional.

  16. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    @techercast yeah, we’re using turitin integrated into moodle

  17. Jeffrey Bradbury Avatar

    thank you all for being here

  18. Jeffrey Bradbury Avatar
  19. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    sorta. we’re just a community

  20. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    i”m also on wpcampus

  21. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    we have developers, librarians, teachers, and teacher support in a slack community

  22. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    you should join our community on slack.

  23. Adam Thomson Avatar

    On that note have there ever been any TED or TEDx talks involving WordPress? Just curious. I’m SUPER curious about @TeacherCast’s upcoming talk now. Can’t wait to see it.

  24. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson That’s a good question.

  25. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    i’m going to recommend your site to my teacher support guy at my institution.

  26. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @jpurpleman How cool

  27. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    I’m filling out your contact form.

  28. Jeffrey Bradbury Avatar

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