EP024 – What are the best #WordPress forms in 2016? – #WPblab

This week on WPblab Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard speak with James Laws and Josh Pollock about their WordPress Form Plugins. They share a brief history about each and compare and contrast on the features each provides. We spend some time discussing the other players in this space and breakdown the pricing models and what lead them to go with the fremium model (Free core plugin, paid addons).

Form plugins we talk about on this episode:

Link List:


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

308 responses to “EP024 – What are the best #WordPress forms in 2016? – #WPblab”

  1. Adam Silver Avatar

    @kstover ya. i know of it.

  2. Kevin Stover Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman I can’t speak to the intentions of all companies, but all of our source code is already on GitHub, and from our experience, that’s not ever been an issue.

  3. Adam Silver Avatar

    @Josh412 looking forward to testing it.. its on my list . for the podcast.

  4. Adam Silver Avatar

    SHE SAID SquareSpace.. everyone drink

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar
  6. Kevin Stover Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman – I agree. If we go SaaS, that won’t be our motivation. Again, we’ve never experienced any negatives from being open.

  7. Adam Silver Avatar

    and didnt ninja want to sponsor KSWP? 🙂 ? 🙂

  8. Jason Tucker Avatar

    up down up down left right….

  9. Adam Silver Avatar

    #CaboPress discount!

  10. Kevin Stover Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman – Our customers aren’t developers who are surfing GitHub for repos.

  11. Kevin Stover Avatar

    @jasontucker I see what you did there. 🙂

  12. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    @kstover and I love that as a user and member of the WP community, but I think SaaS has been used by some to get around the openness of the GPL

  13. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman I was wondering how SaaS will affect plugin development

  14. Kevin Stover Avatar

    Someone pays. Even in the open source community, someone pays.

  15. Jason Tucker Avatar

    (im dating myself here)

  16. Kevin Stover Avatar

    Everyone has to eat, even open source developers.

  17. Adam Silver Avatar

    what? WordCamps speakers dont get piaid?

  18. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver They get plaid.

  19. Kevin Stover Avatar

    It’s also an organically grown system. If you created this from whole-cloth today, would it look the same? Who knows?

  20. Adam Silver Avatar

    PLAID isnt in accordance with Code of Conduct… !

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar
  22. Kevin Stover Avatar

    There are no conflicts of interest…nothing to see here…move along..

  23. Adam Silver Avatar

    also not part of Code of Conduct

  24. Kevin Stover Avatar

    *Cough* WordPress.org featured plugins *Cough*

  25. Kevin Stover Avatar

    JetPack will soon come bundled with a CMS!

  26. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    plaid, whole-cloth, i’m lost

  27. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver lol code of conduct

  28. Kevin Stover Avatar

    It’s actually French.

  29. Jason Tucker Avatar

    its actually OrdPress

  30. Adam Silver Avatar

    from the website….

  31. Adam Silver Avatar

    Pronunciation: “Zapier” makes you “happier” 🙂

  32. Jason Tucker Avatar
  33. Josh Pollock Avatar

    I should release the Zapier admin we never had a chance to QA.

  34. Adam Silver Avatar

    @jasontucker once a year!

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