EP33 – Where to start with #WordPress #SEO – WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, John Locke, Bridget Willard, and William Bay


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

175 responses to “EP33 – Where to start with #WordPress #SEO – WPblab”

  1. Bridget Willard Avatar

    Thursday’s episode will feature guests @WilliamBay & @Lockedown_

    Where to start with WordPress #SEO http://bit.ly/28M3NhH

  2. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Looking forward to tonights show on #SEO!

  3. Jason Tucker Avatar
  4. Adam W. Warner Avatar

    It’s 1:43am here in Vienna, not sure I can stay up for the show! 😉

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar

    For the audience members, here is a link to the contest we’re running tonight. https://www.wpwatercooler.com/giveaway

  6. Eren Mckay Avatar

    yeah a friend of mine told me about it a month a go

  7. Eren Mckay Avatar

    AnswerthePublic is a tool that also helps with that

  8. General Able  Avatar

    Americas finest city

  9. General Able  Avatar

    he’s laughing at me lol

  10. Eren Mckay Avatar

    he learned SEO there LOL

  11. General Able  Avatar

    I’m 24 and own a business in San Diego

  12. General Able  Avatar

    African American, just registered Republican and voting for Trump 2016

  13. Eren Mckay Avatar

    Have you heard anything about AMP basically stripping out all information except for 1 logo 1 video and that’s it?

  14. Eren Mckay Avatar

    Yeah but when you implement it , it ends up stirpping things out

  15. General Able  Avatar

    Trumps character has been assassinated by the media. Best propaganda tool ever created.

  16. Eren Mckay Avatar

    I really don’t want bare bones

  17. Eren Mckay Avatar

    real estate would get ruined

  18. Jason Tucker Avatar

    yeah i heard good things about pagefrog

  19. Jason Tucker Avatar

    For the audience members, here is a link to the contest we’re running tonight. https://www.wpwatercooler.com/giveaway

  20. Eren Mckay Avatar

    I get a lot of views there

  21. Eren Mckay Avatar

    but I have a lot of followers on it

  22. John Locke Avatar

    @ErenMckay If you have a developer you work with, you cancreate override template files, , so it isn’t as bare bones.

  23. Eren Mckay Avatar

    @Lockedown_ oh sounds exepnsive lol

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