
EP34 – Weekend Emails – WPwatercooler – May 13 2013

This week we’re talking building websites as a WordPress Developer or Designer and in particular,weekend emails. This is when customers send you email on the weekend, do you reply? Yes or No. Is there a right answer? Is there a wrong one? This episode was inspired by Chris Lema’s recent post over at ChrisLema.com

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One response to “EP34 – Weekend Emails – WPwatercooler – May 13 2013”

  1. rezzz Avatar

    great talk — I did read the post from the one whom shall not be spoken of this past weekend.  As a developer and soon to be husband, I run into this all the time.  I try to separate my time between the week and weekends appropriately, much to the chagrin of my clients.  My fiance always says that “work never ends for you” or “there’s always some kind of beep from your phone” and I’ve been trying my best to make that clear separation for not just her, but for myself too.  As Steve put it “the best thing is a happy developer” and nothing makes me more happy than to spend some good quality off time with friends and family over the weekend.
    Setting the expectations is really the only way to go.  But if I just happen to not be doing anything and I’m at my computer and someone emails me, I make it a point to tell them this that this isn’t the norm and that they “caught me at the right time” on the reply.  They totally understand that.

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