
EP478 – 6.5: It’s Alive! (Almost)

March 15, 2024

On this episode of WPwatercooler, the panel, including Jason Tucker, Sé Reed, Jason Cosper, and guest Courtney Robertson, delve into the much-anticipated WordPress 6.5 release. Courtney, serving as the episode’s expert, outlines the significant changes and features coming with the update, emphasizing the introduction of the font library for block themes, improvements in image handling, and enhancements for developers such as block hooks and the interactivity API. The discussion also covers practical tips for WordPress users and developers to prepare for the update, highlighting the importance of compatibility testing and the benefits of the new features in enhancing site design and functionality.


00:00 Intro and Episode Introduction
00:08 Introduction of Panel and Episode Theme
01:07 Guest Introduction: Courtney Robertson
02:30 Discussion on WordPress 6.5 Features and Updates
04:25 Deep Dive into the Font Library for WordPress 6.5
10:00 Enhancements in Image Handling and New Formats
15:45 Introduction of Block Hooks for Developers
20:30 Overview of the Interactivity API
25:00 Plugin Dependencies and the New Rollback Feature
30:00 Enhancements to Custom Fields and Meta Data
35:00 Preparing for WordPress 6.5: Tips and Best Practices
45:00 Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks




Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Sé Reed: Hi, can you hear me? Hello? It’s live! I’m gonna, in

[00:00:08] Jason Tucker: This is episode number 478, 6. 5. It’s alive, almost. I’m Jason Tucker. I have a website, it’s jasontucker. blog.

[00:00:23] Sé Reed: blogging? But anyway, hey, I’m Sé Reed, I say, read me, yeah, on all the things, and I’m feeling spicy! Ahem.

[00:00:32] Jason Cosper: y’all know who it is. It’s your boy, Jason Cosper, back at it again on the world’s most influential WordPress podcast. You’ve

[00:00:39] Jason Tucker: Speaking of that spicy podcast, go over to all the places that you can find those podcasts and hang out in our discord over at watercoolerslack. lol. Hi, how’s it going? Everyone

[00:00:56] Sé Reed: I am excited today, I’m always excited. When we have long time friend of the show, Courtney Robertson, on to tell us everything we need to know about everything.

[00:01:07] Courtney Robertson: What? I don’t know if they


[00:01:09] Courtney Robertson: That.

[00:01:10] Jason Tucker: primarily the versions of WordPress. So we care about, but we’re also like, we know

[00:01:16] Sé Reed: care because we have to care. I was thinking about that. I’ve been thinking about that a lot. Why do I care? Getting our existential

[00:01:24] Courtney Robertson: your customers are using it.

[00:01:26] Sé Reed: Yeah, that’s why. That’s it. That’s the that’s it. That’s right. And I’m not switching to Squarespace or Webflow or Wix. It’s not happening.

[00:01:41] Jason Cosper: I was going to say Courtney is our official unofficial fourth chair. Official unofficial?

[00:01:49] Jason Cosper: It’s either Courtney or our other pal, Scott Kingsley Clark,

[00:01:55] Courtney Robertson: And Scott and I are pretty good pals

[00:01:58] Sé Reed: I was going to say, are they the same person?

[00:02:00] Courtney Robertson: We can just.

[00:02:02] Jason Cosper: you never see him in the same place at the same

[00:02:04] Sé Reed: We would yeah. I was going to say the triangle of watercooler is a valuable thing. But when we get our knowledgeable fourths in here, we take it to a higher level. And usually when I say higher level we’re talking about real things instead of existential crisis and such.

[00:02:30] Courtney Robertson: No, not it.

[00:02:32] Sé Reed: crisis, whatever.

[00:02:34] Jason Cosper: Crisis ease.

[00:02:36] Sé Reed: Crisis ease? Where did the threat

[00:02:37] Jason Tucker: go from threat to crisis

[00:02:39] Sé Reed: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I was like, I think we went from threat to crisis. Anyway.

[00:02:44] Courtney Robertson: So this week I’ve been working on GoDaddy’s mega

[00:02:47] Sé Reed: Wait. Wait. You

[00:02:49] Jason Tucker: Oh my gosh. I saw that.

[00:02:52] Sé Reed: the megaphone.

[00:02:53] Courtney Robertson: No, I have a post that I don’t know if I shared it with you. So I had a big post about WordCamp Asia. I have another big post coming out in a couple of days on 6. 5.

[00:03:04] Sé Reed: Okay, but who are

[00:03:05] Jason Tucker: I was looking at

[00:03:06] Sé Reed: What are you doing here?

[00:03:07] Courtney Robertson: Oh, yeah, I wrote a lot about WordPress 6. 5 in the last couple of days. My job is I work at GoDaddy as a developer advocate. I do a lot of contributing around the WordPress project to the training team, the meta team.

[00:03:21] Courtney Robertson: Lots of other places like that. And when I find myself needing some dopamine, I plead for puppy pictures from Sé.

[00:03:31] Sé Reed: Yay! Puppy pictures! He’s up all right now. But I also get all my dopamine from my puppy. Yeah, that’s good. Puppies are

[00:03:39] Sé Reed: Anyway, Courtney knows what’s up pretty much all over and she is here to tell us What we have to care about in 6. 5, and why we have

[00:03:50] Jason Tucker: in one of these posts you sent, you posted in their private chat. I’m like, wow, you hold down the, I’m on a windows computer, hold down page down for half an hour. And then it finally gets to the bottom.

[00:04:01] Courtney Robertson: it is. It’s fine. I think I shared that one maybe with Sé and it’s totally fine that you all have it a little early. I have a public preview link going so I hope people can proof it for me. But this is the most epic of releases in my mind since blocks probably shipped. Maybe since block themes. Yeah,

[00:04:25] Sé Reed: 4 that was going to be cool got punted. Ha

[00:04:29] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. So there’s a lot to go into to dig into in this. And

[00:04:38] Sé Reed: Dig in. I’ll keep digging too. Yeah,

[00:04:40] Courtney Robertson: all right, so what we have in the way of what users would want to see or know about. That would be like your customers maybe, and maybe things you want to block from your customers. So we have the font library finally making its way in.

[00:04:57] Sé Reed: I really thought you just said the thought library. And I was like, oh, that seems reasonable and it’s not surprising, but also what?

[00:05:06] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, fonts. Do you want me to show any of this? You all

[00:05:11] Jason Tucker: you want to, go for it. That’d be great. Yeah, how about it?

[00:05:13] Sé Reed: Here’s the deal. We are primarily a podcast and a

[00:05:17] Courtney Robertson: I will say the words because I like thinking about my friends that lack vision, that are tuned in sometimes even on YouTube as well.

[00:05:25] Sé Reed: There’s some people just walk around with us in their heads.

[00:05:29] Courtney Robertson: Why not? That’s that is an

[00:05:31] Jason Tucker: It’s me with no headphones on. It’s

[00:05:33] Sé Reed: I’ve been asked that we go longer so that people work out more, oh, you know what? I might have to not share. Let’s see. It wants to do like

[00:05:44] Sé Reed: about sharing. Let’s just

[00:05:45] Courtney Robertson: Oh, it’s a mess. Yeah. So from the wording of it what you do, if you want to get these fonts, you have to be using a block theme. Sorry.

[00:05:56] Sé Reed: I’ll have a couple minutes. I’ll have

[00:05:58] Courtney Robertson: you’re using a block team, and when you go into appearance under the option,


[00:06:04] Courtney Robertson: Manage your fonts as one of the things on the WordPress admin dashboard, the left column, it’s going to show up there.

[00:06:11] Courtney Robertson: The other thing you could do is dig all the way into the site editor and then go to styles, formerly known as global styles, go to styles

[00:06:19] Sé Reed: Not Harry style.

[00:06:21] Jason Cosper: why

[00:06:22] Courtney Robertson: typography.

[00:06:23] Jason Cosper: to

[00:06:24] Courtney Robertson: And in that area, you could select your fonts. So you’re going into appearance. Editor, get into the main part of the editor, and then on the right hand side, there’s, looks like a moon a half moon.

[00:06:38] Courtney Robertson: Select that, that’s the styles, and underneath that, you can find typography. Typography will allow you to pull in Google fonts. Google Fonts are what so much of the web seems to use these days because it’s a huge font library. You could Google Fonts and find this massive font library. And there are lots and lots of them there.

[00:06:58] Courtney Robertson: But it was problematic to have them there for a few reasons. One, in Europe, GDPR. It’s Google measuring where the things have been embedded, and most of Europe says, Nope, we don’t want that. The other reason it was problematic is that it’s more performant on your website speeds if the fonts are loaded locally.

[00:07:21] Courtney Robertson: However, there are some pros and cons to having a font library where people could just go uploading fonts. What if they take them for places that are not openly available for everyone to go get and upload without any legal

[00:07:35] Jason Tucker: But the font came with my Mac. I can use Avenir. It’s no big deal.

[00:07:39] Sé Reed: I’m

[00:07:40] Sé Reed: I’m

[00:07:42] Jason Tucker: I know that Steve Jobs like had a deal with this guy and they got it all set up and everything, but I can use it on my website, can’t I?

[00:07:50] Courtney Robertson: Wasn’t it like

[00:07:51] Sé Reed: the number of designs I have received from clients using Avenir, and I have to explain to them that they have to pay to use it. And

[00:08:01] Jason Tucker: very expensive

[00:08:02] Sé Reed: It’s very expensive. I have a client who actually paid for it, but let me tell you, explaining to people that they have to pay to use a font on their website is like trying to explain to them particle physics.

[00:08:16] Sé Reed: It’s does not compute.

[00:08:19] Jason Tucker: just put a browse button that you can upload it. No big deal.

[00:08:21] Courtney Robertson: Yep.

[00:08:22] Sé Reed: they’re just like, why don’t you just do it anyway? And I’m like, here, sign this contract,

[00:08:27] Courtney Robertson: Yep. Exactly.

[00:08:29] Sé Reed: sign this liability release where I say, it’s not my fault and I told you yes. So there’s that. One of the things I haven’t tested yet that I would alert plugin devs to, if for some reason you are a plugin that is bundling a font,

[00:08:43] Sé Reed: If you are a plugin, if for some reason you’re a plugin, you

[00:08:47] Courtney Robertson: If you’re bundling a font into a plugin, I don’t know if it will automatically detect it. There have been a few other plugins that I have in the older times that would make it easier to bring Google Fonts to local. They did not detect that I had installed some new fonts through the font library. So Take it for what it’s worth.

[00:09:10] Courtney Robertson: There’s some probably some edge cases of things to test with it yet. And some of the contention around getting it in. We’ve been trying to slip this one in since 6. 1. We’re now at 6. 5. It’s still coming down to the wire if it’s truly there or not. Even this week there was discussions. Giuseppe made a post that sort of explained in core, That we had to make some hard choices about what things made it and dropped for dev resourcing, basically, in this release.

[00:09:39] Courtney Robertson: And FontLibrary was about to get booted out because of file server permissions. They did a lot of asking of hosts to test if there were any issues, because where the fonts are being stored, once uploaded, is to your wp contents folder in a fonts folder.

[00:09:58] Sé Reed: There

[00:10:00] Courtney Robertson: That wasn’t going to create any kind of security issues.

[00:10:04] Courtney Robertson: Around like file permissions, what can be accessed, what can be written to that directory, et cetera. Normally we see things like photos there, but adding fonts and other things, it’s not touching the media library. Don’t worry about that. It’s just where the folder is storing. The file permissions, a couple layers up from that, were a bit of a concern.

[00:10:24] Courtney Robertson: So they’ve done some good amount of testing around that. But in order to get that one through, the trade off that we’re losing is that we were going to be having synced pattern overrides shipping. So we’ve been on this march of patterns for a while. And what’s going on in patterns is that we were going to be able to have an ability to override synced patterns.

[00:10:45] Courtney Robertson: But that had to drop in order to make way for the fonts. So the fonts are shipping with a caveat that we might explore later if we’re going to continue storing the fonts where we’re putting them.

[00:10:56] Sé Reed: That is so much information, I processed about like half of it. Can you give me the TLDR, or actually in this case the TLDL? Too long, they didn’t

[00:11:09] Courtney Robertson: Fonts. They’re going in.

[00:11:11] Sé Reed: ADHD.

[00:11:13] Courtney Robertson: are shipping. We’re worried about the folder permissions. And the trade off is that we’re dropping synced pattern overrides for right now.

[00:11:20] Sé Reed: Synth Pattern Override. That’s what I, that’s what I got. That’s

[00:11:26] Courtney Robertson: Talk to me about that in 6. 6.

[00:11:28] Sé Reed: No, but what is that?

[00:11:31] Courtney Robertson: I’m not worrying about it until 6. 6 because right now it’s not shipping.

[00:11:35] Sé Reed: But

[00:11:36] Courtney Robertson: let me tell you what is shipping with patterns.

[00:11:38] Sé Reed: synced patterns is reusable blocks.

[00:11:41] Courtney Robertson: Yes.

[00:11:42] Sé Reed: Okay. I just was like, cool, got that. But now there’s synced pattern overrides.

[00:11:49] Courtney Robertson: Where you want to change it one off for one time. Like you’re just making a change one

[00:11:54] Sé Reed: Like when you delete an event on your Google calendar, but you’re like, just delete this event and not all of the events.

[00:12:01] Courtney Robertson: Something like that.

[00:12:02] Sé Reed: Yeah. Okay.

[00:12:03] Courtney Robertson: We’ll dig in deeper next time. Patterns though. Yeah. Patterns next time will be, patterns this time actually are also still a big deal. When you go in to manage your patterns. There’s a couple ways of sorting them in the site editor these days. So the left hand navigation, as soon as you load up editor, has changed a bit, not lots, and in that you’ll find patterns in the list, and now you can sort the patterns like a list or like a table to view them.

[00:12:33] Courtney Robertson: When you click on their kebab menu, those three dots in the lower right corner, it will let you duplicate the pattern. And rename it upon duplicating it. So that’s pretty handy. And that also applies to templates too.

[00:12:48] Sé Reed: This is all just block themes. Is everything in 6. 5 is an upgrade based on block themes?

[00:12:53] Courtney Robertson: That’s really what everything has been since we launched block themes.

[00:13:00] Sé Reed: Not necessarily. There’s been plenty of under the hood stuff. That’s There is a little bit of that. Yes.

[00:13:07] Sé Reed: yeah, there’s functionality or accessibility or like fixing the whatever, but like it’s all just block theme updates, which is great. Cause then I don’t have to worry about Jack. Yes.


[00:13:20] Sé Reed: I’m worried about is when the admin starts over.

[00:13:23] Sé Reed: Yeah. Coming for classic themes.

[00:13:25] Courtney Robertson: Coming for classic themes you can enable some of the block theme features.

[00:13:31] Sé Reed: Oh,

[00:13:31] Courtney Robertson: So there is now there is a little bit of a function that you can add in that will allow you to bring areas like if you make a group block and you want a border on it, but you’re in a classic theme, you could add a border around a group block.

[00:13:47] Courtney Robertson: So let’s say you’ve got multiple paragraphs and you want to have an outline around them. You could do that now or add the drop shadows to your buttons. More things got

[00:13:56] Sé Reed: Why is it that everything with block themes seems like it’s coming from 1999? Just feel like you can put a border on your DIN,

[00:14:05] Courtney Robertson: You’ve got to figure out where the bare minimum

[00:14:07] Sé Reed: font,

[00:14:08] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, you gotta find your bare minimum and make that a GUI interface. And we don’t need to start with the latest, fanciest stuff, we need to start with the most reliable stuff. People like borders.

[00:14:21] Sé Reed: People like borders. Oh god, that’s a political statement, actually.

[00:14:24] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, it’s, that’s not what I meant Sorry, I make everything political. It’s it’s how I roll.

[00:14:31] Jason Cosper: always more of a Barnes and Noble guy myself, but hey, if you like borders, go off.


[00:14:36] Sé Reed: Really? Because borders had allowed for, speaking of someone who worked at Barnes Noble, and got fired from Barnes Noble borders allowed you to have tattoos, and some leeway with your dress code. So they were much more, amenable to the creative crowd than the more straight laced Barnes Noble.

[00:15:00] Courtney Robertson: 2ndCharles is now my home. The U.

[00:15:03] Sé Reed: Yeah, I know, but I made it funnier.

[00:15:06] Courtney Robertson: Bookshop with all of the very quirky board games, comic books, etc. is now my home. Anyway, moving on from boarders, other things that you can do

[00:15:17] Sé Reed: Also from 90909,

[00:15:21] Courtney Robertson: also applying to classic and block themes, is,

[00:15:24] Sé Reed: the 90s really are in. I didn’t realize it was extending so far that it’s like the 90s are in tech too. We could do duotone. Ooh, is there a new Blink font capability? In styles?

[00:15:38] Courtney Robertson: What you want to also know is that the favicons, a 90s, late 90s thing,

[00:15:45] Sé Reed: All right, wait.

[00:15:46] Courtney Robertson: icons,

[00:15:47] Sé Reed: We have we have to figure this out right now. Favicon? Favicon.

[00:15:52] Courtney Robertson: I’m sorry, I’m out, site icon go to

[00:15:56] Jason Tucker: to

[00:15:58] Courtney Robertson: settings, general, and you can hear, you can get into the site icon feature, whether you use block or classic themes from that area. So you can still go about it in the customizer if you’re using a classic theme, and block themes you used to have to go all the way into the block theme setting your site logo, which would appear within the content of the website to be able to get to the site icon that was in the browser tab above.

[00:16:24] Courtney Robertson: Now

[00:16:25] Sé Reed: glad we replaced the customizer without putting all of the things that were in the customizer in, back into the site. That seems wouldn’t that be like the first list? It’s okay, we’ve got the customizer and we’re gonna get rid of this. So here’s all the stuff that’s in the customizer.

[00:16:42] Sé Reed: Let’s make sure that stuff goes into the block theme editor.

[00:16:47] Courtney Robertson: Yeah.

[00:16:49] Sé Reed: Does that, I, no?

[00:16:50] Courtney Robertson: working on it still. I’m ready for those post formats to get in. They did get punted from this

[00:16:56] Sé Reed: favicons are really complicated.

[00:16:59] Courtney Robertson: Cosper I have a suggestion of another dev that is also interested in post formats and some goodness with that. That’s for Aftercooler, though, so we’ll chat.

[00:17:11] Courtney Robertson: Okay, so we have way, I just want to say one thing real quick. Postformats is in no way going to be put into WordPress it is a key component of a proprietary software and platform that is let’s say, controlled by someone who controls. What goes into WordPress. I will say it right here, right now, I do not believe that post

[00:17:37] Courtney Robertson: loved the 2013 theme and the way that it supported post formats 11 years ago. And I’m ready to see the modern block version of it, and I’m building it because I want to and I can.

[00:17:48] Sé Reed: So we’re talking about 1999 and 2003,

[00:17:52] Courtney Robertson: 13.

[00:17:53] Sé Reed: 2013. Okay, that’s a decade. That’s a bit

[00:17:57] Courtney Robertson: Other things coming in the release this time around. If you are inside the list view, this applies to post editor in Classic Themes too. If you go to the list view and you right click on pretty much almost any block, You’re going to be able to rename the blocks, all of them. So it might say columns, you could go in and rename it to whatever you want.

[00:18:21] Courtney Robertson: So when you show the list view, you’ll look for the kebab menu, those three dots beside every item in the list view,

[00:18:29] Sé Reed: it’s kebab and hamburgers.

[00:18:32] Courtney Robertson: Yeah, hamburgers are the three lines, kabob is three dots.

[00:18:35] Sé Reed: In theory that, I guess you could have like vegetable kebabs and a vegan burger, but I was going to say it’s very carnivore centric. Hamburgers, kebabs, I’m hungry.

[00:18:47] Courtney Robertson: so there’s only a couple places that you can’t rename those kinds of things. Oh, I forgot to say, if you wanted to have some of those block theme features, Don’t forget to add the custom function that goes with that to enable it. Everything else that I saw that is coming in the way of things like fonts, it has a way to go turn it off.

[00:19:11] Courtney Robertson: Post forthcoming, to go turn those things off if you don’t want your customers getting at those.

[00:19:17] Sé Reed: I there’s a, so I’m using PublishPress, the PublishPress suite. I’ve used different components of it on different sites, but I’m actually using a whole, basically all of it on a new site for a new client. And I didn’t know that they had They have a really cool block it’s a, I don’t know what it does for the block theme component, but it allows you to take total control of your Gutenberg blocks.

[00:19:48] Sé Reed: If you’re using the block editor on a post or a page, it allows you to turn all those off or give permissions based on roles, which is I don’t know, super important, but for now, it’s still something that I think is worth paying for, that you have an add on for at some point, I’m sure that’s coming, it’s on someone’s roadmap, but for now, PublishPress does a great job, they have a really good suite, FYI, I am not being paid to say that, I just, I think, more than ever, these days, and with the block editor and just using blocks in general, Locking down different components is actually really important if you’re building sites for clients, because there is this is why I haven’t gotten into the site using block themes for clients yet because you can so easily swap over to a template that you have no idea that you’re in a template.

[00:20:46] Sé Reed: That you can completely drag up everything in five seconds. And I’ve had clients delete things out of templates before when it’s WYSIWYG templates that they have the ability to see even if it’s locked or whatever. They can still, they’ll be like, oh, just unlock it, because client’s going to do what client’s going to do.

[00:21:06] Sé Reed: So really, I think that’s probably, Honestly, I wish we had this first. It’s let’s introduce the controls to be able to dictate, like which roles get it. Roles is a, first of all, roles hasn’t been touched. Roles and capabilities hasn’t been touched in in core in a really long time.

[00:21:26] Sé Reed: So it is it’s a huge part of multi user WordPress sites. And it is really wild to me that we have not. brought that native control functionality into the block editor. That doesn’t, let alone block themes. Because it seems like that already exists. The blocks are like a wild west of everything.

[00:21:56] Sé Reed: And without any controls You have to manually or programmatically or with a plugin go in there and piecemeal out what people are able to see. It’s really hard to remove stuff from the block editor and also from the panel on the right. Whatever, all the styles and all that. I don’t, what do we call that now?

[00:22:18] Sé Reed: The right hand?

[00:22:20] Courtney Robertson: it depends on what you’re in. It could be styles, it could be your block settings.

[00:22:25] Sé Reed: You know what I’m saying? What is that whole panel called? It’s just a settings panel now? Is that, does it have a name?

[00:22:31] Courtney Robertson: depends on which thing you’re

[00:22:33] Sé Reed: No, but you have tabs, so obviously the tabs, but that’s a subset of the panel itself, right? You’ve got your page settings, and you’ve got your block settings, and you’ve got your styles within your block settings.

[00:22:45] Sé Reed: So you’ve got all of these sub panels and sub windows. I guess I would just call it the right sidebar at this point.

[00:22:54] Courtney Robertson: It

[00:22:55] Courtney Robertson: I will say sure say. Go ahead.

[00:22:59] Sé Reed: No, I’m wondering, no, no patronizing,

[00:23:02] Courtney Robertson: stick to this. If you’re in the, if you’re in the appearance editor for a block theme, there is the style sidebar, there is the block settings sidebar, and then there is your entire site options sidebar and they are different things that show up there on that right sidebar. And

[00:23:22] Sé Reed: all in the same panel. No,

[00:23:25] Courtney Robertson: they’re different right panels that pop in and out.

[00:23:28] Courtney Robertson: You want to hear about some other fun stuff coming for users?

[00:23:32] Sé Reed: I want to talk more about these panels. I’m so open. I’m like spinning up a thing. I’m

[00:23:37] Courtney Robertson: Okay, let’s come back to that one.

[00:23:40] Sé Reed: was a joke.

[00:23:41] Courtney Robertson: Okay, links. Something as simple

[00:23:44] Sé Reed: Courtney’s very serious today. And I am very un serious today. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed that. It’s you take your job seriously or something, Courtney. I don’t know.

[00:23:53] Courtney Robertson: I know. And it’s this isn’t actually my job.

[00:23:57] Courtney Robertson: This is what I’ve been thinking about for the past week. Yes. Links. They are easier to modify or change the behavior of. Used to be when you would add a link, whether you’re in post editor or Site appearance editor, and in either of those cases, as soon as you put the link in, all of the block stuff about the link would vanish.

[00:24:19] Courtney Robertson: Now it sticks around for a moment for you to it doesn’t just time out, you have to click off to go to

[00:24:25] Sé Reed: Okay. I was like, it just is nope. If you want to be able to modify any of the behaviors, open it to a new window, or modify what the link itself is But people will want to do those things

[00:24:39] Sé Reed: Ooh, you know what would be cool? Is if we, in core, put onto external links if something is gonna open either an external link or a new window, if there was, like, a way to automatically put on that little icon that’s got the little box with the arrow.

[00:24:54] Courtney Robertson: This is why I love the Accessibility Checker free plugin in the repo.

[00:24:59] Sé Reed: Does it indicate that? Hey, you’ve got something that’s opening in a new tab. You

[00:25:03] Courtney Robertson: I vaguely remember that. It definitely does in the pro version when you’re looking at the front of your site and you’ve got target new, it will tell you to stop that. Coming for images, lots of good stuff in images. How many times has your client, customer, whatever that you’re building a site for forgotten to put a featured image in, even though you tell them you need to have featured images?

[00:25:24] Courtney Robertson: For a while I had someone that was so dependent on having featured images so that their social previews would work and they kept forgetting to do it that I locked it so that they had to. They could not publish

[00:25:34] Sé Reed: That’s actually, that’s something I’m using for checklists in PublishPress because you can say what it is and it’s you cannot publish this without a featured image. Not only that, but

[00:25:45] Courtney Robertson: got a workaround

[00:25:46] Sé Reed: it has to be, it has to be a certain width

[00:25:49] Courtney Robertson: in core. Yeah, in core now, if you, if your post doesn’t have a featured image, WordPress will detect the first image on the post and officially show that information. That is,

[00:26:03] Sé Reed: not automatically,

[00:26:04] Courtney Robertson: it it’s going to select that as the featured image. First image in the post will be

[00:26:09] Sé Reed: right? But if it’s not displaying on your theme, it’s not like it’s going to display it. It’ll do it for like shares or any time a featured image is being used, but it’s not going to put a featured image on your site automatically.

[00:26:24] Courtney Robertson: I need to test that.

[00:26:26] Sé Reed: Okay. I would assume not. Cause that would be really weird. You have to call it. You you have to call a featured image.

[00:26:34] Courtney Robertson: If you

[00:26:34] Sé Reed: Back, I don’t know which version this one is in, but There was a default plug theme that had that where you could put like you would, it I don’t know if it was a checkbox or I don’t even remember what, but it was like, use the first image as a featured image, but whatever theme it was would put the featured image at the top and then have the feature, the first image would also still be there.

[00:27:02] Sé Reed: And so now you have two featured images. So you were able to use it as a featured image for sharing or for open graph purposes or whatever, unless because it also showed up on the page. Unless you figured that out. Hopefully that’s worked around. I’m sure it is.

[00:27:22] Sé Reed: It’s

[00:27:23] Courtney Robertson: Other fun things coming to images in this release, avif is, the avif image format, that’s so hard to pronounce, is now an option that you can upload. It does not convert it for you, but it compresses it more than WebP would have in the past. If you’re ever unsure if you can use it, go to Can I Use, and Browser support will be listed on the Can I Use website.

[00:27:47] Courtney Robertson: So go into Can

[00:27:48] Sé Reed: I gotta confess here, folks. I didn’t even realize there was a new freaking image format.

[00:27:53] Courtney Robertson: It’s not new. It’s been around for decades. People have been able to export it in Adobe for over a decade, at least. So

[00:28:02] Sé Reed: What is it it’s, instead of JPEG, it’s just compressed better. And so you

[00:28:07] Sé Reed: what about TIFFs? Are we doing TIFFs now?

[00:28:10] Courtney Robertson: You could use that in your WordPress website as a more compressed image format, thus improving speeds

[00:28:16] Sé Reed: Is it more compressed than WebP?

[00:28:19] Courtney Robertson: Smaller.

[00:28:21] Courtney Robertson: Smaller file formats,

[00:28:22] Sé Reed: I need a little chart that’s like PNG, JPEG, AVIF, WebWP, where it’s gives me a little here’s what to

[00:28:31] Courtney Robertson: Adam Silverstein, thank you Adam Silverstein, over at Google, has written that, and I gave the link to the field guide, somewhere in the field guide there’s a link off to all the many dev notes. So there’s a dev note about AVIF, and Adam has that chart that you’re looking for already in it.

[00:28:48] Sé Reed: Yes. Ah, I love it when I ask for things that already exist.

[00:28:52] Courtney Robertson: yes. Ta da!

[00:28:53] Courtney Robertson: Here you go, Sé.

[00:28:54] Jason Cosper: So one of the nice things specifically about ath is yes it does compress better than

[00:29:00] Sé Reed: everyone is lisping

[00:29:03] Courtney Robertson: No, avif is a word.

[00:29:06] Sé Reed: AVIF.

[00:29:08] Jason Cosper: It sounds like they’re,

[00:29:09] Courtney Robertson: job and get an avif of it.

[00:29:11] Sé Reed: Yeah. I’m going to go rent my car from AVIF.

[00:29:14] Jason Cosper: yes no, so it is based on from the H. 265 like video compression format it is an

[00:29:27] Sé Reed: thought it was video. I was like, I thought it was video. Like I was so confused just now.

[00:29:33] Jason Cosper: It is an open standard and it is not owned by, created by, I think they may have had a little bit of a hand in it as part of an open consortium. But unlike WebP, it’s not oh, this all sprung out of Google. The people who had

[00:29:53] Sé Reed: What’s wrong with just the damn compressed JPEG? I want to name I should have named this dog JPEG. That would have been

[00:30:00] Courtney Robertson: still

[00:30:00] Jason Cosper: They’re too big.

[00:30:02] Courtney Robertson: yeah, they’re too big and when you squish them down to be the size of AVIF files, you’ll lose a lot of quality.

[00:30:10] Sé Reed: That’s gonna be this guy’s nickname, Avis.

[00:30:12] Courtney Robertson: AVIF, I’m right, AVIF I need an AVIF of Griffin sent to me after the show ends.

[00:30:18] Sé Reed: I’m just gonna work exclusively

[00:30:20] Courtney Robertson: Griffin would like a kebab, and I

[00:30:22] Sé Reed: name’s Harry Griffin now,

[00:30:24] Courtney Robertson: of Griffin eating a kebab.

[00:30:26] Sé Reed: It’s Harry. Harry Griffin. That’s his name.

[00:30:29] Courtney Robertson: Yeah,

[00:30:30] Sé Reed: For all the those of you who are listening and not watching, I have a puppy in my arms. Just playing

[00:30:37] Courtney Robertson: very puppy in that nibbling and pawing at everything phase. More fun coming for images. If you’re posting a gallery block and you’ve ever wished that everything would shuffle on the page every time someone hits refresh, you can now say, please use random order on galleries. So that’s, www.

[00:30:54] Courtney Robertson: serverpress. com That’s a lot of the user facing stuff. Now, the dev facing stuff. Oh

[00:31:00] Sé Reed: So don’t get too dev y, or we’ll have to dev branch ourselves.

[00:31:02] Courtney Robertson: I know, we probably do need a dev branch to dig into some of these in more depth. First one out of the gate is going to be that there are now more block, there is the ability to have block hooks. So you could say, I want to always call this special something in before this subheading or before this paragraph.

[00:31:21] Courtney Robertson: So block hooks are a

[00:31:23] Sé Reed: Love hooks. Hooks are like everything. They really

[00:31:27] Courtney Robertson: remember, actually, say, I know that you do a lot with custom taxonomy type of things for some of your websites. You can now, inside the post editor, you go to all of the post editor screen, in the top right of all of them, there is the kebab menu for everything. In that kebab menu, you go down to preferences.

[00:31:49] Courtney Robertson: Inside of general, at the bottom of that, and I’m doing this all from memory. I am not looking at a

[00:31:55] Sé Reed: Okay, I’m doing it in the air.

[00:31:58] Courtney Robertson: And at the bottom of that, under the advanced options, you can turn on the custom meta area, the custom fields view. And so you can see your custom fields inside of the post editor.

[00:32:09] Courtney Robertson: You can make your custom fields right there. And then, with the new

[00:32:13] Sé Reed: way, please tell me you can turn that off too.

[00:32:16] Courtney Robertson: yes,

[00:32:17] Sé Reed: Okay, good lord.

[00:32:18] Courtney Robertson: yes.

[00:32:19] Sé Reed: Remember when custom fields

[00:32:20] Courtney Robertson: digging to get to it. And I also stumbled through the beginner’s error of thinking that I could find it in site editor. Nope. Nope. But here we go. The

[00:32:30] Sé Reed: Wait. Do you remember when custom fields were at the bottom of every post?

[00:32:35] Courtney Robertson: Yes, I

[00:32:36] Sé Reed: was, I don’t know when that left, but I think about that every so often.

[00:32:40] Courtney Robertson: Yep. Yep. Yes. So it looks about the same. And what I’ve seen is that the, that all of the folks working on Gutenberg are like, we need to freshen up the appearance of this because we’re just calling back this old looking meta Data here. I’m making her spicy. I

[00:32:59] Courtney Robertson: no an influencer.

[00:33:03] Courtney Robertson: this is exactly what I’ve seen inside

[00:33:05] Sé Reed: the end, she’s like swearing. What? Sorry, I’m breaking you down, Courtney.

[00:33:13] Courtney Robertson: So you could get into the meta area and see all of the meta fields you’ve written, and now we have this new feature called block bindings. Relates to the block hooks, block bindings. You can again say, I want to display the custom meta. In relation to where I have it inside of this post, you could also go to a single post template and say I want every time that this template is used to call and show the custom meta of that post.

[00:33:46] Courtney Robertson: Individual item. So if you wanted to get into some of that, it is not,

[00:33:52] Sé Reed: taxonomy now. Is basically what you’re saying. Cool!

[00:33:57] Courtney Robertson: it’s still takes some code in order to do it. You have to get into instead of visual editor, you have to go into code editor mode and drop some code into that. And I want to say that Gutenberg times has

[00:34:10] Sé Reed: There’s a code editor mode? When did that happen?

[00:34:15] Courtney Robertson: I think when the post editor shipped with blocks,

[00:34:19] Sé Reed: Not, what?

[00:34:21] Courtney Robertson: go to the kebab menu in the post editor,

[00:34:25] Sé Reed: Tucker’s dying over here.

[00:34:27] Courtney Robertson: Say, I’m pretty sure that the code editor mode has been there as soon as blocks came out, just the same as we used to have in classic editor mode, the visual and then the code mode. It’s been there.

[00:34:40] Sé Reed: Oh, like visual and text, not like you’re looking at HTML and block code, not like your PHP code.


[00:34:47] Sé Reed: Got it. Got it. Okay. Sorry. I knew that.

[00:34:50] Courtney Robertson: And also you can use the command palette now to get there. And using that command palette, either command or control K, you could type in code editor and it will switch over and then you drop in the code that you need to put where it goes inside of the

[00:35:05] Sé Reed: Okay. But

[00:35:06] Courtney Robertson: or the template.

[00:35:07] Sé Reed: and that lets people think that they can put all sorts of things in there.

[00:35:11] Courtney Robertson: Oh, they can. It’s just going to error if they try.

[00:35:14] Sé Reed: That’s what I’m saying. Now we’re going to be going back to the days of people are like adding PHP into their content. Like what?

[00:35:20] Courtney Robertson: No, so it, to be clear, the, what it’s not a GUI interface yet. And this is why you have to use the code mode, but it’s calling in, basically, it looks like the block markup with a little bit of what looks to be like, I don’t want to say full on JavaScript. It’s more like what in theme JSON file.

[00:35:39] Sé Reed: so it’s like inline styling, is what you’re telling me.

[00:35:41] Courtney Robertson: no,

[00:35:43] Sé Reed: Like

[00:35:43] Courtney Robertson: calls data in it’s not CSS.

[00:35:47] Sé Reed: Oh, I didn’t mean it like CSS, I just mean you’re like coding per block, like coding on a per block basis. We’re going to have to get into this one in dev branch because I’m like going to have to go investigate this

[00:36:03] Courtney Robertson: again, I want to say the Gutenberg Times tutorial that is on this one is actually really good. Let me grab, this one is probably the one that I found easier than the one, here’s the link. If folks want to drop that into the public chat, that’s totally fine, but there’s a really good tutorial. It’s called Birgit Polyhack put together.

[00:36:21] Courtney Robertson: That is almost a low or no code approach to doing this. It’s as close to no code as you can be until we get more gooey. So there’s that. Stuff

[00:36:34] Sé Reed: love, I love a code editor. I just don’t consider the text tab to be a code editor. We used to be able to go under like the settings and you could go to like your code editor and then you would see all of your templates in your crazy madness spot. That’s what I thought you were talking about, but that’s not what you’re talking about.

[00:36:53] Sé Reed: Let’s just be clear here for posterity, Sé was aware of a text editor that shows you the freaking block markup.

[00:37:03] Courtney Robertson: Huh.

[00:37:03] Sé Reed: did not, I am still correct in that there is not an actual code editor where you can put Other types of code

[00:37:12] Courtney Robertson: You could cowboy code if you still wanted to by going over to appearance and trying to get into editor that way. It works on classic themes.

[00:37:21] Sé Reed: I know,

[00:37:21] Courtney Robertson: Classic themes, it’s certainly still there.

[00:37:25] Sé Reed: I love that our worst ideas our worst components is that’s there. That’s not, why would we

[00:37:31] Courtney Robertson: gonna cowboy code. It’s a good time. That’s not even cowboy coding. That is like undersea diving or something like without a mask. That’s like free dive coding because there’s no going back. That’s not like cowboy coding and you can hit undo in your dream weavers.

[00:37:48] Courtney Robertson: For plugins, I was actually reading up on, on the email newsletter that goes out to plugin devs. I helped get some eyes on that one earlier this week. There’s a newsletter that should be sent out, if not today, then early next week that Scott Riley is working on. We got a couple of dependency bumps.

[00:38:08] Courtney Robertson: So Codesniffer is, PHP Codesniffer is now up to 381.

[00:38:12] Jason Cosper: Tucker. And

[00:38:14] Courtney Robertson: Mailer is up to 691. So if your plugin sends like a form plugin or something, and it sends an email. There’s a little bump in that. Make sure you test that.

[00:38:23] Sé Reed: I just want to point out real quick pause, really want to point out that PHP Codesniffer is being updated because that is now an independent project that has funding from multiple corporations, including 5, 000 a month from Automatic.

[00:38:36] Courtney Robertson: GoDaddy is kicking in a thousand a month as well, which is fantastic. It’s worth it. There have been more contributors coming onto that. It is now moved into a repo that is not owned by any particular company. It is owned more by the PHP community. Not part of the PHP Foundation, just within the

[00:38:53] Sé Reed: Also costing eleven thousand dollars a month.

[00:38:56] Courtney Robertson: But, if you understand why, and the amount

[00:39:00] Sé Reed: I didn’t say it! I didn’t there was no value judgment in that. I’ll just say

[00:39:03] Courtney Robertson: Node. js also got a bump up to the lowest version of Node that is supported is Node 18. Other things plugin devs will want to know about not related to release, but in that newsletter, your readme files are chopped off after 1, 500 words.

[00:39:21] Courtney Robertson: There was some plugin that had 26, 000 words in their

[00:39:26] Sé Reed: words not characters. Words.

[00:39:28] Courtney Robertson: Words. That would be like their entire changelog history for 20 years, I think. So we’re crunching that down to a smaller amount. Also there

[00:39:40] Jason Cosper: Wait. So I can no longer, I can no longer insert the text of infinite jest into my release notes.

[00:39:49] Courtney Robertson: no, not a good idea.

[00:39:51] Jason Cosper: Yeah. Yeah, there’s the whole copyright thing. It would be rejected outright, but still,

[00:39:57] Courtney Robertson: yeah plugin devs, you also, aside from the length of your readmes, will want to take note that there is a new document out for you to make your blueprints, so that when you go to the plugin repo, you can hit the live demo and spin up, they can spin up a site in the browser.

[00:40:12] Courtney Robertson: Testing out what your plugin does. There is a document that is available for that, that will also come in your newsletter, as well as friend of the show, also Andy Fragen. It’s been a while since I think he’s been around with the show and in the chat

[00:40:26] Sé Reed: busy operating on people.

[00:40:27] Courtney Robertson: I know how that goes. Hi Andy, if you’re watching.

[00:40:30] Courtney Robertson: Andy helped get this through. We now have plugin dependencies in WordPress. Yay! So if you have a plugin, Andy has one that I helped work on when I was at the events calendar ages ago, called the events calendar category colors. So if you’re using the events calendar,

[00:40:48] Sé Reed: I use that on a site.

[00:40:49] Courtney Robertson: Yep. What happens if you try to activate that and the events calendar isn’t active? Now it’s going to not activate or it will deactivate if that other plugin is deactivated.

[00:41:00] Sé Reed: There is a lot of plugin dependency stuff happening in plugins, regardless of the official stuff. But the events calendar specifically has been all over. If your various versions don’t match, it shuts everything off. It’s you no longer can use Pro because your other thing is not whatever, like literally turns off your plugins for you.

[00:41:23] Sé Reed: Kind of wild.

[00:41:24] Courtney Robertson: bringing it back to core or other things beyond that particular plugin. I would also say I’ve heard numerous times of people forgetting that before they could use the mailer add on or memberships add on to Woo, that they need to activate Woo. So that’s another prime example of those things.

[00:41:44] Courtney Robertson: The plugin directory is also going to tell you when you go searching that there, there’ll be like a little blue box that says this plugin depends on something else. So you’ll see it both in your plugin upload activation screen inside your site, as well as over in the plugin repo. Hey, there are dependencies you should be aware.

[00:42:01] Courtney Robertson: The trade off of getting the fonts library in relates to another area Andy’s been working on, which was the rollback feature. So the rollback feature is exactly close to it’s what you were discussing, say, about having dependencies that this thing needs this. So for the events calendar. Events Calendar Pro needs the events calendar in a certain version, and if they’re out of order it’s not Traffic jam.

[00:42:27] Courtney Robertson: Yep. So what this will do, the rollback feature is going to basically say if something breaks when we try to go up, we’ll just roll back to the known safest last state. That feature

[00:42:38] Sé Reed: sense to me.

[00:42:39] Courtney Robertson: into 6. 6. It was almost going to happen this time. Andy was working on it. I would suggest that when that does ship, you get Andy on for a dev branch.

[00:42:48] Courtney Robertson: If he is not busy in the trauma operating

[00:42:52] Sé Reed: The trauma board.

[00:42:53] Courtney Robertson: because WordPress is his hobby and his stress relief

[00:42:57] Sé Reed: There’s a lot of analogies there.

[00:42:59] Courtney Robertson: Yeah. We have a couple of other big API types of things, but the

[00:43:03] Sé Reed: Ooh ooh, what?

[00:43:05] Courtney Robertson: time I want to focus on.

[00:43:07] Sé Reed: no, API, let’s dive.

[00:43:09] Courtney Robertson: there’s a bunch of API things, like multiple API issues. I’m going to focus on the interactivity API, not the upgrades to like HTML API or some of the other things.

[00:43:20] Courtney Robertson: This can be a bit of a teaser if you could open up and maybe share on the screen the WPmovies. dev site, this demonstrates the interactivity API pretty well. So there’s now. A lot of ways you can make things happen on your site. If someone’s able to screen share for me that link, because I cannot.

[00:43:40] Courtney Robertson: WPmovies. dev. It was in one of the dev notes about the Interactivity API when it was first pitched. I’ll wait a

[00:43:47] Sé Reed: can’t share screen because I don’t have that available.

[00:43:51] Courtney Robertson: My browser wants to reload everything. We’re not doing that right now. Okay this was a project that was put together to demonstrate what the API can do. If you want to pick, click on one of the hearts. Let’s see what happens if we hit a heart. Oh, we clicked on the entire image. That’s fine. So there’s a movie.

[00:44:12] Courtney Robertson: We click the heart will stay around, and you can see later maybe some of your favorites. It’s probably down below. It will show you like everything you hearted, or up there, yeah, in the top right. Sorry, the Watercooler logo’s hiding, hiding the

[00:44:24] Sé Reed: I I actually am using a plugin that does the similar thing called favorites, which has not been updated, but for marking off your favorites.

[00:44:36] Courtney Robertson: There you go. And now, if you want to click on play trailer, let’s see if we can do a play trailer, and now back out of the screen that ran without hitting close on that video, go click on the logo.

[00:44:53] Sé Reed: Which

[00:44:53] Courtney Robertson: Did it close the video? There was a way of seeing the video kind of show on the

[00:44:59] Sé Reed: Goncharov!

[00:44:59] Courtney Robertson: there it is.

[00:45:01] Sé Reed: That’s a Tumblr

[00:45:02] Courtney Robertson: around in the site, and go ahead, close the audio. I think they’ve got the effect there. But, so we don’t get Watercooler

[00:45:09] Sé Reed: Stop! Oh, my head. Oh, wait. We could just watch that

[00:45:14] Courtney Robertson: So you get the idea, though, that with the Interactivity API, you can now, based on what the user does on the screen, you can now have a lot more, Things happen throughout your website.

[00:45:28] Courtney Robertson: You can make it so that, Oh, if they hit the hearts, then it tallies it up. If they play the preview and then they go navigating somewhere else that the little preview keeps going while it does this. So this is a,

[00:45:40] Sé Reed: list of movies made by a dude?

[00:45:42] Courtney Robertson: this was made by whoever was primarily working on the interactivity API as a proof of concept, this whole project.

[00:45:49] Courtney Robertson: So all

[00:45:49] Sé Reed: wondering

[00:45:50] Courtney Robertson: are in here are real movies. And at the bottom in the footer, they give you the

[00:45:54] Sé Reed: No, they’re not all real movies, Courtney.

[00:45:56] Courtney Robertson: Some of, hit close and

[00:45:58] Sé Reed: What happens if you go to the Goncharov movie?

[00:46:01] Courtney Robertson: So say, do you see that TMDB at the bottom? That’s where they got all the data for this.

[00:46:06] Sé Reed: Go back to that, go back to the WP Movies one real quick, that first one. Just, sorry guys, we’re just, we just have to test this out. Click that first one there, the Contra of. Very important. Yeah, see, there’s no film there. Go ahead and scroll down.

[00:46:20] Courtney Robertson: in YouTube. They don’t have it. They might not have the,

[00:46:23] Sé Reed: it doesn’t exist. It’s a Tumblr meme.

[00:46:26] Sé Reed: Ah! What is that?

[00:46:29] Courtney Robertson: there you go. So does that exist?

[00:46:34] Courtney Robertson: is that,

[00:46:35] Sé Reed: Okay. I like how it says a film by Mateo also, so that’s who made

[00:46:39] Courtney Robertson: It’s, that’s all right. So in any case, there’s a whole lot of additional dev things that frankly, I. Didn’t have time to touch that are coming in this release. Have DevBranch for that. You’ve tried. Learn everything and tell us, but

[00:46:56] Courtney Robertson: yeah. But there’s so much in this release that is dev oriented too.

[00:47:04] Courtney Robertson: So there was still a good bit of features that apply for both classic and block themed users. But there’s a lot under the hood of, so the block bindings API that was tied to the custom meta and showing things. The HTML API got some work. And worth noting for a friend of the show, Scott Clark, we’re going to re emphasize custom fields, like those meta boxes underneath the post, are not the same thing as core fields API.

[00:47:32] Courtney Robertson: And we want to make sure that we do not say those things the same way. Yeah, they do different things. The big different things that you could ask Scott all about. So there’s a lot going on in this release. And I didn’t even touch on even all of what was there for users.

[00:47:50] Sé Reed: But fonts,

[00:47:53] Courtney Robertson: Fonts for block themes.

[00:47:56] Jason Cosper: We we’ll make sure and McCarthy the past few releases has done and I think since dating back to what, six, two, six, one has been doing these like source of truth. Posts on her personal site that have basically everything that’s in the release all the stuff that ended up getting punted.

[00:48:23] Jason Cosper: Like Courtney and we’re talking a little bit before the show. This is something that that Anne has done over


[00:48:34] Sé Reed: Understand how that is not, and I have said this in multiple official places, like how that is not, how the source of truth for a WordPress release is not part of the official WordPress. org, just a post on org is like unbelievably mind blowing to me. That’s all. I love that they do it.

[00:48:57] Sé Reed: I think it’s great I think it’s important, but something called the source of truth, existing, external to the project. Makes no sense to me. Zero sense.

[00:49:10] Jason Cosper: Forget it, Sé, it’s open source.

[00:49:13] Sé Reed: does that mean? We’re just in

[00:49:17] Jason Cosper: it’s a Chinatown

[00:49:18] Sé Reed: land? Oh, okay. I was like, it’s just chaos. Is what you mean. You can just, whatever, I’ll do what I want.

[00:49:25] Jason Cosper: All of this all of this talk about kebabs and gooey is making me think of Sum, the little garlic sauce you can get at Zancou Chicken here in Los Angeles.

[00:49:38] Sé Reed: We just got a Zangkou chicken.

[00:49:41] Jason Cosper: Oh, Zancou is so good. And that, that is really only for the people in Los Angeles.

[00:49:49] Sé Reed: Yeah, sorry.

[00:49:50] Jason Cosper: It’s very local.

[00:49:52] Sé Reed: Chicken with garlic sauce. It’s Lebanese, I think.

[00:49:56] Jason Cosper: It’s amazing.

[00:49:58] Sé Reed: How to make Cosper drool in one word. Zangkou.

[00:50:03] Jason Cosper: It’s it’s so wonderful that that they have more like Beck immortalized it in a song come on,

[00:50:14] Sé Reed: I just want to say, before we

[00:50:15] Jason Cosper: but what. Yes. Okay. No. Cause I was going to close out and say we should get, yeah, I want to go get

[00:50:22] Sé Reed: Yeah, I, I got you said where you were going. So I just wanted to say that my irreverence while greatly heightened over the past year or month or whatever is in no way to disparage or reflect upon.

[00:50:38] Sé Reed: The extensive amount of research and work and effort that you put in, Courtney, to providing this information. It is only because we all know all the reasons. And if you don’t, come to the Discord! But the work that you do is valuable. And the fact that your What’s New in 6. 5 and all your posts also exist externally to the project is another just mind blowing thing.

[00:51:05] Sé Reed: But your work Anne’s work with the Source of Truth is really important. Your work that you do regularly with the testing and the release candidates and then your massive here’s everything you need to know. That stuff makes it possible. For us devs or whoever is working with WordPress to actually stay on top of stuff.

[00:51:31] Sé Reed: And again, the fact that it’s not part of the project is its own problem, but the fact that you’re doing it is something we should all be grateful for. So my non seriousness should not be construed as an issue. Indicative of how important your work is because it is very important and I appreciate it and I know so many people appreciate it and I appreciate that GoDaddy funds you to do that work and contributes back you because you are an invaluable resource to Our entire community, whether you’re contributing or you’re just using WordPress you, you bring a lot of value in your work.

[00:52:15] Sé Reed: So I just wanted to say

[00:52:17] Courtney Robertson: Thank you, Sé, very much.

[00:52:19] Sé Reed: And I also love to be unserious and I’ve been really spicy lately cause damn, I’m pissed off a lot of times

[00:52:24] Courtney Robertson: I understand. Yeah. It’s possible to hold multiple, those multiple things at once, think that those things are really important and valuable, and also seek to make fun of them at every step. Cause I’m a Gemini or whatever, who knows. Anyway,

[00:52:44] Jason Cosper: Gemini.

[00:52:44] Sé Reed: classic Gemini. That’s all. I’m hungry for chicken and kebabs now, so

[00:52:51] Courtney Robertson: It’s pizza time in my house.

[00:52:53] Jason Cosper: I was gonna say get a falafel. Get a falafel if you don’t do the meat. Also very good with some garlic sauce.

[00:53:02] Sé Reed: need a turtle menu and we can call it falafel.

[00:53:08] Courtney Robertson: Bye y’all.

[00:53:08] Jason Cosper: Tucker’s hitting us with

[00:53:10] Courtney Robertson: Bye

[00:53:11] Jason Cosper: the Oscars music. Yeah, he is playing us off.

[00:53:14] Sé Reed: Oh, man. All right, fine. Cue the outro. Mwah! See you in the Discord, baby. Oh, subscribe to us on all the things and places that you listen to podcasts. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, YouTube Facebook? Is that a thing? I just stream this live on LinkedIn. But mostly you should just come into the Discord and you’ll get a pre notification.


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