
EP6 – “Advanced Custom Fields” – WPwatercooler – October 29 2012

Advanced Custom Fields is the topic for todays 30 minute roundtable at the WPwatercooler.

Suzette Franck has used this on an art gallery website that had 7 years of data, she made a custom form on the back end to be put into an custom post type.

Se Reed asks what is the difference between using custom fields and Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

Steve Zenhgut talks about how quicker and easier it is to use Advanced Custom Fields and be able to export the resulting code to be used elsewhere.

Chris Lema talks about a project he used this on where he used both the import and the export feature. The CMS he was using had 18 CPT and each had 5 to 10 different fields. He states that you can assign with mapping the various meta boxes and where they will be used.

Steve talks about the various addons, they recently purchased the “Repeater” addon and it works well.

Chris talks about how he has used this Repeater addon and how it is all stored in Post Meta.

Jason Tucker asks how portable the resulting code is and if the plugin is required.

Steve says that it can and will export all of the code for you when you are done.

Se asks if this can be used for importing other DB data into this plugin

Chris has used this by writing a script to create json data to parse and pull the data.

Se talks about the challenges of working with Post Meta directly in the mysql DB.

Jason talks about importing the data and mapping it.

Chris says that he has only imported the metadata of the post.

Se explains so issues shes dealt with and the challenges shes had doing it the hard way.

Chris mentions how we’re all trying to suck all the knowledge from him and just using him for his smarts.

Conspiracies Conspiracies

Dave Jesch asks Suzette about data validation, she says that it does in fact do field type validation.

Apparently a war began in Se’s city.

Se talks about Post2Post and it’s awesomeness.

Jason talks about how there is a Gravity Forms  addon that looks very tasty

Chris talks about an addon his team wrote about using multisite with Advanced Custom Post Types.

Kat asks if beginner users can use this or is it only for advanced. It’s so simple anyone can use it.

Suzette talks about how this can be used on CPT and all of the control that comes with it.

Jeff Hester asks about if it can be used on posts and not custom post types he has a metabox for trails that he has on his hiking website.

Steve says that almost every customer has a need for some custom fields in their posts and this is perfect for his clients. This and Gravity Forms are used quite a bit in at his company.

Se asks about if this also generates pages to display everything or is it just adding new fields to work with on your own.

Chris brings up Types and Views and the whole discussion goes into a frenzy.

Se wishes things were harder for a developer the rest of us disagree.

Steve wants better video documentation on how to use Types and Views

Jason comments that 16 year olds made the videos he watched

Chris talks about CPT and Types and Views

Se… again… let the dogs out.

Chris gets back into CPT with Types and Views and how he has used it in the past. Chris mentions that the amount of custom coding he has done has declined just by using these awesome tools

Steve mentions that these tools are actually saving the client time and money using them

Chris loves having a core set of plugins that gets the job done fast and efficient.

Dave Jesch talks about the benefits of security by using these tools just based on the validation alone.

Chris says that everyone benefits from using the same codebase and the same plugins because many people are using the same plugin so bugs are found fast.

Jason says that the UI reminds him of Gravity Forms and he wishes that Types and Views would take come cues from Gravity Forms and Advanced Custom Fields

Chris defends a bit by explaining their product cycle and that he thinks that once they hit a milestone that they would circle back to updating their GUI.

Se talks about using a stylus to move elements around a bit, he doesnt use a mouse only a pen.

Chris asks Steve an question regarding the addons he has used the  Repeater and the Address field addons. Steve has only used the Repeater addon.

Se asks about price. $25 AUS per addons to be used on any site.

We begin butchering the Aussie accent.

Se asks if we can talk about the WordPress Community Summit

Steve jokingly talks about ethics and hilarity ensues.

Chris thinks we should talk about projects we’re all working on for next week.



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