
EP9 – “Show and Tell” – WPwatercooler – November 19 2012

Today’s discussion is a loose format Show and Tell.

Dave Jesch – http://www.davejesch.com
Patrick Rauland – http://www.speakinginbytes.com
Sé Reed – http://www.sereedmedia.com
Steve Zehngut – http://www.zeek.com
Jason Tucker – http://www.tucker.pro

Jason talks about a plugin called “SimpleMap Store Locator” that does multi store locator using Google Maps.

Patrick Rauland talks about “Limit Widgets” that limits the number of widgets a widget area can have.

Jason demos the Simple Map and shows a table view of the plugin

Patrick demos his plugin Limit Widgets, pretty cool yet crazy simple.

Dave Jesch talks about a plugin concept for allowing a client to post bugs and problems and give the developer info about the clients site.

Jason demos how White Label CMS works and how hes currently using it with gravity forms to work as the mockup or rev 1 of this plugin Dave was talking about.

Patrick asks about using this idea with Zendesk. Jason has it tied into Gravity Forms to work with Freshbooks so a quote is generated when a submission is made.

Jason mentions how weird he thinks WordPress is accepting BitCoin. He doesn’t know many people that uses BitCoin. Jason talks about harvesting bitcoins and how people use videocards to generate bitcoins.

Se says Dave “scrapes things for stuff”.

Se also “Decisions not options”.

Steve show an iPad app for Edwards Life Sciences using XML-RPC.

Dave wants to use XML-RPC for the plugin that he and Jason want to build. Here is the talk that Mike Adams did at WordCamp OC Steve was talking about. “WordPress APIs – Feeds, XML-RPC, APP, and REST

Jason askes about libraries for XML-RPC with iOS. Steve says he does some plist’y JSON silliness to pull that off.

Jason says its a good idea to crack open the open source code of the WordPress app for iOS

Se asks about what other things Zeek has done with XML-RPC.

Se talks about her favorite, “Cycle” a slideshow / slider jQuery Plugin. It also is compatible with Easing Plugin.

Jason wants to do another “Favorites” show about particular categories, expect more of those coming soon. Leave a comment on which plugin categories we should cover.


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2 responses to “EP9 – “Show and Tell” – WPwatercooler – November 19 2012”

  1. Jeff Hester Avatar

    Great job on the podcast, gang!

  2. Hannah FLack Avatar

    I was looking through some of your blog posts on this site and I think this site is real instructive! Continue posting .

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