EP027 – Is using a #WordPress page builder “cheating”? – WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, Roy Sivan, Kevin Hoffman, Verious Smith III, and Adam Thomson

Page Builders Discussed


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

352 responses to “EP027 – Is using a #WordPress page builder “cheating”? – WPblab”

  1. Adam Thomson Avatar


  2. Roy Sivan Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman no you don’t

  3. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    #minifyit #dontaskquestions

  4. Roy Sivan Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru Devino!

  5. Roy Sivan Avatar

    i said it three times

  6. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    someone said Devino 3 times

  7. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I am scared 🙁

  8. Devin Walker Avatar

    Blab delays their emails

  9. Bridget Willard Avatar
  10. Roy Sivan Avatar

    Devin join the FB group

  11. Devin Walker Avatar

    Devino has joined

  12. Adam Thomson Avatar


  13. Roy Sivan Avatar

    NOT where i thought that was going

  14. Roy Sivan Avatar

    Devino is a big dude.. he must have a big

  15. Devin Walker Avatar
  16. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I swear it’s coming

  17. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    Chris Lema endorsed it

  18. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    Devino swag, coming to the next wordcamp

  19. Roy Sivan Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman mmm..

  20. Roy Sivan Avatar

    NOT a bad idea

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman Devino is the new Waappu

  22. Kevin Hoffman Avatar
  23. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @AdamThomson did ya do it?

  24. Adam Thomson Avatar

    it’s not perfect, but…

  25. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Don’t credit me!

  26. Adam Thomson Avatar

    My pleasure. Sorry his right eye is a bit bung. I was rushing so much haha.

  27. Adam Thomson Avatar


  28. Adam Thomson Avatar

    It’s friday afternoon in NZ so I’m just chilling. I should work though. LATERS!

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