EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab

On this week’s live broadcast Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker discussed how to find your voice for blogging. Chris Lema, and Kyle Maurer join the discussion providing insights into what they do as WordPress users, bloggers and public speakers.

WPwatercooler records live Mondays at 11am PT and WPblab record 7:30pm PT Thursdays and archives on YouTube, SoundCloud and our website https://www.wpwatercooler.com


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

347 responses to “EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab”

  1. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Oh and I meant to say that writing for yourself is the best practice for writing for someone else.

  2. Sherie Beth Avatar
  3. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler That would be awesome.

  4. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I am so going to regret this in 5 hours when I have to get up and hit the road

  5. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I want to road trip and blog about all the weird roadside attractions across the USA

  6. Adam Thomson Avatar

    All of my questions

  7. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler 🙂

  8. Paul Oyler Avatar

    See y’all next week

  9. Adam Thomson Avatar

    pro-tip: put a question mark after your google searches.

  10. Adam Thomson Avatar

    😛 😛 😛

  11. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    Think we need to cut out – nearly midnight here and work in the morning – thanks for the awesome chat! 🙂

  12. Sherie Beth Avatar

    Thanks so much for the great answers!!!!!

  13. Sherie Beth Avatar

    we’ll be workiing on it!!

  14. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    We’ll be working on that!

  15. Adam Thomson Avatar

    TwinSpeaks a Lynch inspired suggestion

  16. Sherie Beth Avatar

    night!! 😀

  17. Cheryl Lynn Avatar
  18. Tracee Loftus Avatar

    Gotta go write my blog…

  19. Adam Thomson Avatar
  20. Adam Thomson Avatar

    “What you’d put in your meta box. Use those hashtags.” PREACH

  21. Adam Thomson Avatar

    So I’m super envious of your heat and humidity situation.

  22. Adam Thomson Avatar

    Later y’all. By the way it’s freezing cold here.

  23. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson ha ha hah

  24. Adam Thomson Avatar
  25. Michael Mann ? Avatar

    i’ve brought blabs to a crawl

  26. Michael Mann ? Avatar

    auto prop 4 people 😀

  27. Michael Mann ? Avatar

    nice… following:D

  28. Tom Avatar

    I’m excited – been curious about this exact topic!

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