EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab

On this week’s live broadcast Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker discussed how to find your voice for blogging. Chris Lema, and Kyle Maurer join the discussion providing insights into what they do as WordPress users, bloggers and public speakers.

WPwatercooler records live Mondays at 11am PT and WPblab record 7:30pm PT Thursdays and archives on YouTube, SoundCloud and our website https://www.wpwatercooler.com


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

347 responses to “EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab”

  1. Jen Miller Avatar

    @jasontucker For good reason! It’s going to be soooo fun and beautiful!

  2. Jen Miller Avatar

    @jasontucker LOVE this but am deep in wedding prep so probably won’t be able to join in the fun tonight. Looking forward to hearing the discussion after the fact. 🙂

  3. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @JenBlogs4U You will be missed. I would have asked you to be our special guest otherwise.

  4. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @Jenblogs4u wedding prep? you act like you are the mother of the bride

  5. Jen Miller Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru Thanks, Bridget! I’m yours next time. 🙂 Looking forward to it!

  6. Sherie Beth Avatar

    yay, I’m excited – been curious about this exact topic!

  7. Adam Silver Avatar

    lol or in espanol.. LOL

  8. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    you are being watched

  9. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    this is the best show of all time

  10. Sherie Beth Avatar

    I don’t hear him either!

  11. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    they are watching the Notebook in the other room

  12. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    love that song LOL

  13. Jason Tucker Avatar

    now it wont let me back in

  14. Adam Silver Avatar

    do you take requests?

  15. Jonathan Perlman Avatar

    now it’s the Bridget Willard show

  16. Adam Silver Avatar

    now i cant call in? 🙁

  17. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    no call ins allowed

  18. Adam Silver Avatar

    yes. we hear you.

  19. Adam Silver Avatar

    this show is sucks.!

  20. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    I’m gonna give this a 1 star

  21. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    delete your account

  22. Bridget Willard Avatar


  23. Adam Silver Avatar

    starting blab.joomla

  24. Adam Silver Avatar

    why ARE you here @brash

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