EP018 – Marketing with WordPress – #WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Robyn Wright ✅ , and Bridget Willard


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

183 responses to “EP018 – Marketing with WordPress – #WPblab”

  1. adam fout Avatar

    any resources to learn basic CSS you might use in WordPress?

  2. Robyn Wright ✅  Avatar

    whoa!!!!!!!!!!! that was freaky @jasontucker

  3. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @adrianortega welcome!

  4. David Bell Avatar

    @adrianortega welcome!

  5. Priscilla Christian Avatar
  6. Jason Tucker Avatar
  7. Verious B. Smith III Avatar

    Cant call in actually. I am on my phone.

  8. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @verioussmith NOr worries

  9. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @verioussmith bye 😀

  10. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @adamfout2 Thanks ADAM!

  11. adam fout Avatar

    gotta go thanks guys!

  12. Verious B. Smith III Avatar

    Hey guys gotta go. Have a great show!

  13. Priscilla Christian Avatar

    Do you have tables? Don’t tables need alt tags too? Alt tags go on several things.

  14. Priscilla Christian Avatar

    looks like its only for img elements. Thought it used to be for several things in the “olden” days.

  15. Bridget Willard Avatar
  16. Bridget Willard Avatar
  17. David Bell Avatar

    Thanks for joining @BePositive !

  18. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Thanks for joining @BePositive !

  19. Adrian Avatar

    create a new Instagram account just for your selfies.

  20. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @adrianortega That’s what I was thinking.

  21. Adrian Avatar

    use instafeed to load the selfies in a differed manner

  22. Robyn Wright ✅  Avatar

    YES YES YES – makes me crazy when Twitter share buttons don’t have the Twitter user!

  23. David Bell Avatar

    Truth is, I only really like Twitter and MAil Chimp 🙂

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