EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Matt Cromwell, Dawn E. Carter, Adam Silver, and Bridget Willard


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it鈥檚 community.

207 responses to “EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab”

  1. Bridget Willard Avatar

    Great topic. I can’t wait.

  2. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Looking forward to this topic!

  3. Jason Tucker Avatar

    starting up in jut a few mins folks

  4. Jason Tucker Avatar

    if you have any questions relating to video on WordPress type in /q and then your question

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar

    trying to call in ?

  6. Bridget Willard Avatar

    aaaaa let me find the icon

  7. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    firefox is awesome

  8. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    learned something new

  9. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    we believe in you B

  10. Bridget Willard Avatar
  11. Matt Cromwell Avatar
  12. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    You have 6 minutes.

  13. Matt Cromwell Avatar
  14. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    cam twist messed me up

  15. Iris Messina Avatar

    Hi!!!! I’ve my wine and I’m ready to roll!

  16. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @ListingVideosLA ??

  17. Matt Cromwell Avatar
  18. Iris Messina Avatar

    what do you think? B has rum in her soda? 馃檪

  19. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    I don’t think Jason from Postmatic would agree with that Jason from WaterCooler

  20. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    I’ve had YouTube upload issues too

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @ListingVideosLA lol

  22. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    you sound convincing B

  23. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    I used to write jingles

  24. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @youtoocanbeguru is infinitely more civil

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