EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Matt Cromwell, Dawn E. Carter, Adam Silver, and Bridget Willard


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it鈥檚 community.

207 responses to “EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab”

  1. Adam Silver Avatar

    Cory Miller and team.

  2. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    nice. gallery of your videos?

  3. Iris Messina Avatar

    Q/ my videos tend to be BIG; 100MB and up – can Foo handle that?

  4. Iris Messina Avatar

    and I still don’t have one 馃檨

  5. Iris Messina Avatar

    It was a freebie from someone at SMMOC

  6. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @ListingVideosLA oh yeah

  7. Iris Messina Avatar

    the media library does not have enough memory

  8. Iris Messina Avatar

    ok, another theme?

  9. Adam Silver Avatar

    that is host based

  10. Adam Silver Avatar

    depends on the need/use caes

  11. Iris Messina Avatar

    yeah, we’re shooting in 4k these days

  12. Iris Messina Avatar

    I will find the answer and report back

  13. Adam Silver Avatar

    tweetable: “I riff it baby!” – Bridget Willard

  14. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver cool

  15. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    is that a newbie question

  16. FooPlugins Avatar

    search what? The gallery items no. search youtube, etc, yes

  17. FooPlugins Avatar

    you would be looking for a video gallery with filtering available

  18. FooPlugins Avatar

    FooVideo does not have categorization/filtering…yet. However, you could also use a search feature for individual posts including videos

  19. Adam Silver Avatar

    laptop + selfie stick —>http://bit.ly/24ET50k

  20. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    Hey, welcome @fullblastyyc !

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @fullblastyyc welcome!

  22. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    I have an update on Pressnomics if ya’ll would like to hear.

  23. Adam Silver Avatar

    @learnwithmattc nope. 馃槈

  24. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @learnwithmattc awesome!

  25. Matt Cromwell Avatar

    Adam can plug his ears

  26. Adam Silver Avatar

    “i cant hear you…”

  27. Adam Silver Avatar

    and say.. “nanananananananana”

  28. Iris Messina Avatar

    only on #WPBlab does one hear about a dog licking you while you are live streaming 馃槈

  29. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    neat to hear the impact one life made

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