EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, and James Tryon

Links mentioned on this episode


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

238 responses to “EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab”

  1. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Looking forward to tonights talk about social media and your WordPress website. From promoting your site in social media to making it easier for other to do it for you we’ll be sharing all of our secrets. Join us and if you have any questions this is the perfect platform for you to ask them. just type /q and your question.

  2. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson 1. @GaryVee 2. @TedRubin 3. @Copyblogger

  3. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @AdamThomson I believe in relationship marketing with all of my heart. https://www.facebook.com/youtoocanbeaguru/videos/766435250113657/

  4. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @help the left column doesn’t show the list of questions any more any idea why?

  5. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    looking very thoughtful uncle Tucker

  6. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @help the left column doesn’t show the list of questions any more any idea why?

  7. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @help the left column doesn’t show the list of questions any more any idea why?

  8. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    Just be happy that Blab doesn’t implode on you!

  9. Jonathan Denwood Avatar
  10. Mario Silva Avatar

    did you guys hear about that 1 bn lawsuit against getty?

  11. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    They make GoDaddy look good!

  12. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    Uncle Tracker I’m using Fireworks tonight!

  13. Verious Smith III Avatar

    Announce and Applause!

  14. Sherie Beth Avatar

    oh man, comcast is being a butt tonight … poor internet signal :sadpanda:

  15. Adam W. Warner Avatar

    social media a er ing

  16. James Tryon Avatar

    good evening all ;c )

  17. Sherie Beth Avatar

    well at least I can hear you both, even if I only get a video signal part of the time!

  18. Paul Oyler Avatar

    q/ can we make @YouTooCanBeGuru a LOT tonight?

  19. Paul Oyler Avatar

    central air here WOTHY a ceiling fan going

  20. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    I’m with you on that one – bring on FALL!!

  21. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler ceiling fan here, too

  22. Paul Oyler Avatar

    gosh my spelling sucks tonight

  23. Bridget Willard Avatar


  24. Paul Oyler Avatar

    why do I get the WPWaterCooler preview after the live show?

  25. Adam W. Warner Avatar

    @PappyOyler were you at wcneo? I think I missed you there

  26. mrWONDERFUL Avatar

    what is the advantage of a twitter list?

  27. Paul Oyler Avatar

    @wpmodder yes I was

  28. Adam W. Warner Avatar

    @PappyOyler darn it

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