EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, and James Tryon

Links mentioned on this episode


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238 responses to “EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab”

  1. James Tryon Avatar

    my buddy sells all his custom corn cob pipes there. sells within 20 mins most times

  2. James Tryon Avatar

    show pic of events to show the community the type of things your church does.

  3. Paul Oyler Avatar

    from what I’ve read, Buffer would be an awesome company to work for…

  4. Sherie Beth Avatar

    @PappyOyler our church uses instagram to share upcoming events, pics of our services, pics of our people

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler for sure I applied there first but because they didn’t I found my guys at WordImpress.

  6. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler cute cat. You’re account is private.

  7. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I had some strange people liking pix of my granddaughter, so I made it private…is that bad?

  8. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler Nope. Just fyi

  9. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @JamesTryon Good example!

  10. James Tryon Avatar

    last example of someone selling things on instagram – https://www.instagram.com/jwk2366/

  11. Paul Oyler Avatar

    how can embed? I tried and it only displayed a link?

  12. James Tryon Avatar

    best part of facebook is you can edit it. I typo way to much ;c D

  13. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    yes, the inability to edit comments is one of my biggest pet peeves on many websites

  14. James Tryon Avatar


  15. James Tryon Avatar

    it uses google listings too or yelp is google local listings aka same thing

  16. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @PappyOyler Here is the link to claim your business on Yelp. https://biz.yelp.com/

  17. Paul Oyler Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru Thanks!

  18. mrWONDERFUL Avatar

    what about Slideshare?

  19. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @eboy we’ll talk about it

  20. Paul Oyler Avatar

    every Thursday night it takes me till about 3 am to figure out what all my open tabs are…

  21. Paul Oyler Avatar

    why is it still a thing?

  22. Mario Silva Avatar

    what? people still use g+?

  23. James Tryon Avatar

    and you can fully customize the css

  24. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @JamesTryon AWESOME! Day Made

  25. mrWONDERFUL Avatar
  26. Paul Oyler Avatar

    you are the AMAZING Bridget!

  27. James Tryon Avatar

    but I craft to much

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