EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Bridget Willard, and James Tryon

Links mentioned on this episode


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

238 responses to “EP38 – #SocialMedia tips for a #WordPress Website Owner – WPblab”

  1. James Tryon Avatar
  2. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @jonathandenwood lol

  3. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    No point asking uncle Tucker he be walking his dogs and Snapchating them pissing!

  4. mrWONDERFUL Avatar
  5. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    My God what is wrong with you Americans?

  6. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @jonathandenwood lol

  7. Mario Silva Avatar

    those look like pikachus

  8. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    World is ending you talking about Wapus!

  9. Paul Oyler Avatar

    what better to talk about? No anxiety there!

  10. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    Is there no shame on this Blab?

  11. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I’d like to see a redneck wapuu

  12. Jonathan Denwood Avatar
  13. Paul Oyler Avatar


  14. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    The decline of the American empire is down to Wapus! Well you been too busy working on your Wapus

  15. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    I’m a bit pissed and I have no shirt on so I will decline tonight

  16. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    This really isn’t BBC radio 4

  17. Jason Tucker Avatar

    yeah, a shirt is required

  18. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    I rather watch uncle Tucker dogs pissing then listening to Wapus!

  19. Paul Oyler Avatar

    I got one of those stress ball Wapu at #WCNEO

  20. Paul Oyler Avatar

    It’s Brit conspiracy

  21. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    Its too too hot for me I’m use to gloom and coldness

  22. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    I can’t listen to this I off to radio 4!

  23. Paul Oyler Avatar

    See y’all nest week!

  24. Jonathan Denwood Avatar

    Good night my children!

  25. Paul Oyler Avatar

    or even NEXT week!

  26. Bridget Willard Avatar

    Said video with Adam Fout of Blue Steele Solutions about Twitter Lists:

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