EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab

On this week’s live broadcast Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker discussed how to find your voice for blogging. Chris Lema, and Kyle Maurer join the discussion providing insights into what they do as WordPress users, bloggers and public speakers.

WPwatercooler records live Mondays at 11am PT and WPblab record 7:30pm PT Thursdays and archives on YouTube, SoundCloud and our website https://www.wpwatercooler.com


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

347 responses to “EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab”

  1. Sherie Beth Avatar

    or the blog you have yet to manage … I need to start blogging!

  2. Bridget Willard Avatar
  3. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I came to hear Jason talk about cat blogs

  4. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    how do you guys get so many viewers? This is crazy ville

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @MrKyleMaurer We are obnoxious on Twitter

  6. Adam Thomson Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru hiiiii

  7. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    that in a nice way

  8. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    like my show never has this many

  9. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    oh that’s funny @adamthomson

  10. Adam Thomson Avatar

    I went to a gig last night, and a guy’s backing tracks stopped playing during his first song because his laptop started installing windows 10. It was the most painfully tragic thing I’ve ever seen. I hope that never happens to someone at WordCamp.

  11. Adam Thomson Avatar

    @MrKyleMaurer Honestly I’ll hold onto that experience for life.

  12. Jason Tucker Avatar

    @AdamThomson the only thing that would be installing Windows 10 at a WordCamp would be a VM I accidentally opened up on my Mac.

  13. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    when does that start?

  14. Kyle Maurer Avatar
  15. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    and you get a props

  16. Cemal Tashan Avatar

    hello mayor is back from Turkey

  17. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru It’s different for designer/devs though because you feel like your own site is a reflection of your abilities.

  18. Kevin Hoffman Avatar

    @YouTooCanBeGuru Your work *is* your content.

  19. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman oh totally!!!!!!

  20. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @kevinwhoffman Exactly

  21. Adam Silver Avatar

    Do the work. simple. as. that.

  22. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    Medium is basically the futue

  23. Bridget Willard Avatar
  24. Bridget Willard Avatar

    I love my devs….. no offfense 😀

  25. Paul Oyler Avatar

    or you can set up a scraper and have a real shortcut…

  26. Adam Silver Avatar

    day in. day out. show up. do the work.

  27. Adam Silver Avatar

    @mrkylemaurer — ugg.

  28. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Smash all the words

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