EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab

On this week’s live broadcast Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker discussed how to find your voice for blogging. Chris Lema, and Kyle Maurer join the discussion providing insights into what they do as WordPress users, bloggers and public speakers.

WPwatercooler records live Mondays at 11am PT and WPblab record 7:30pm PT Thursdays and archives on YouTube, SoundCloud and our website https://www.wpwatercooler.com


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

347 responses to “EP39 – WordPress 101: Blogging to find your voice – WPblab”

  1. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    hot seat is missing

  2. Adam Silver Avatar

    @YayCheryl it’ll be there later

  3. Cheryl Lynn Avatar

    Oh LOL thought something was wrong 😉

  4. Adam Silver Avatar

    @YayCheryl all good.

  5. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    don’t hit the button

  6. Adam Silver Avatar

    yesterday was funner. 😉

  7. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    we’re basically on the equator

  8. Adam Silver Avatar

    want humidity.. come on down to Costa Rica!

  9. Adam Silver Avatar
  10. Sherie Beth Avatar

    hate humidity …. bleurgh

  11. Sherie Beth Avatar

    but I live in SC, what’s wrong with me?!

  12. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    did you get a haircut? It looks nice

  13. Adam Silver Avatar

    KM is literally sitting next to me…. we are taking ALL bandwidth from CR to be here.

  14. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    Shawn Hesketh’s gig?

  15. Kyle Maurer Avatar
  16. Adam Silver Avatar
  17. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    he’s got that trademarked

  18. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @MrKyleMaurer sorry 🙁

  19. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    they picked the wrong weekend

  20. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    WC Cincinnati is on my boo list

  21. Adam Silver Avatar

    WCA2 is the place to be!

  22. Bridget Willard Avatar

    Still like 100 tickets available for #WCLAX btw https://2016.la.wordcamp.org/tickets/

  23. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    Just mute Jason and Bridget

  24. Adam Silver Avatar

    I teach a 101 class. . but can’t use WP101 in my tweets.. its ™’d

  25. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver why not?

  26. Adam Silver Avatar
  27. Kyle Maurer Avatar

    my cat manages his own blog. Jeez.

  28. Bridget Willard Avatar

    @heyadamsilver no way

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