EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Jason Tucker, Matt Cromwell, Dawn E. Carter, Adam Silver, and Bridget Willard


Weekly Watercooler Discussions about WordPress and it’s community.

207 responses to “EP020 – “Enhancing content with #video on #WordPress” #AskWPblab”

  1. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @jasontucker — you’re in Whittier? I got married a million years ago at Whittier Area CC

  2. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    my daughter just got accepted to Biola

  3. Jason Tucker Avatar

    East side of it nearish Beach Blvd and Whittier Blvd

  4. Jason Tucker Avatar

    nice, I work at EvFree Fullerton Church

  5. Bridget Willard Avatar

    thanks @learnwithmattc

  6. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @jasontucker no way. I used to be part of churchtech tribe

  7. Jason Tucker Avatar

    very cool, im part of CITRT

  8. Jason Tucker Avatar
  9. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @jasontucker I knew jay & grace Williams pretty well

  10. Iris Messina Avatar

    It’s important to have a good background in your videos

  11. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    until I lost my Mac

  12. Jason Tucker Avatar

    Love Jay, I help him with his ocunited.org site 🙂

  13. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    @heyadamsilver Q2 lifter? very nice

  14. Dawn E. Carter Avatar

    gotta run. my 12 yo just got home from lacrosse practice . thanks guys!

  15. Iris Messina Avatar

    I keep getting this little box telling me that I am not Following HeyAdamSilver – should I? 😀

  16. Iris Messina Avatar

    Bridget – do you need a hammer? beating the computer will make you feel better

  17. Priscilla Christian Avatar

    So you want us to log out right?

  18. Bridget Willard Avatar

    I dam deleteing that

  19. Jacob Arriola Avatar

    you get that mp3 issue worked out, @jasontucker ?

  20. Bridget Willard Avatar
  21. Bridget Willard Avatar
  22. Iris Messina Avatar

    Pin as in Pinterest

  23. Iris Messina Avatar

    Q/ why can’t i see my social media icons on Chrome when I can in Firefox?

  24. Iris Messina Avatar

    yeah, lots of adblockers

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